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Posts posted by Princessj0

  1. Well, it ended up going to court. He didn't turn up, and the judge ruled that I needed to go through the company (his company :mad:) anyway, I was expecting that.

    But the good news is, I've now got a copy of the assured shorthold tenancy agreement, a statement from him saying that the deposit wasn't protected - he seems to think that companies don't have to protect deposits which the judge thought was rather funny - so the judge recommended that I went for the deposit + 3x penalty payment + court fees to cover all my troubles. The judge also transferred the claim to the company, so I don't need to start the whole proceedings again.

    I was just wondering though, should I send the company a letter telling them that I'm taking them to court for not protecting my deposit, and witholding it?

    Also... I got an offer from them, the judge told me that it is in the housing act that any disputed amount agreed should be paid within 10 days, is this true? Was trying to find somewhere that stated this, but can't.

    Would much appreciate it if someone could help?


  2. Hi,


    I posted on here a while ago about this same landlord not giving back my £200. It's now been 5 months. I've started court proceedings.


    Of course he filed a defence hiding behind a company name, which we found out was actually his and his wife's company. So my step dad phoned him to try and sort stuff out. He offered £150 as he thinks that I should have to pay for some stuff.


    Anyway, it's been 5 months, and this is the first he's told us that he's claiming back for certain things (they're all lies, and stuff that I can prove not to be true). I heard that a landlord has a specific amount of time to let you know if they're taking any money out of your deposit? Is this true? And if so, is there a law against it all?



  3. Hi all,


    I've read other threads on here about this kind of thing, but I need some advice please.


    I'm about to go into my 3rd year at uni, I moved out of a flat in June after living there for a year and a half. My landlord has always been really nice, flexible and understanding. So when he told me I'd have my full deposit back in a week I just believed him. Now it's been 6 weeks and he's still not paid it (I know that isn't long, but I was relying on that money to pay septembers rent :eek:)


    Sometimes when I phone him he doesn't answer and doesn't answer to my texts or voicemails. But then other times he answers and tells me I should have it within a week....... but guess what? it doesn't arrive!!!


    He keeps fobbing me off with stories as to why he's not sent it yet. And I don't know what to do. I have no documented proof that I lived there, only proof from the other 8 people who I lived with, who haven't had their deposits returned either.


    Because I trusted him, I never took photos when I moved out. We'd decorated the property and had made it so much nicer, but if he argues that we destroyed it, we've got no proof!! :sad:


    Please can someone help?!?!?!?!

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