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Posts posted by davidwright

  1. I received this letter today from RLP


    We refer to the above matter and recent correspondence.

    Unfortunately, the informtion you have provided conflicts with what we have received from our client in respect of the incident. Our client has provided us with the following evidence, which they are prepared to put into a witness statement at the appropriate time and subsequently confirm in court.


    You were observed on CCTV selecting a hinge valued at £7.98 and deliberately concealing the item under bags of gravel. You were subsequently apprehended outside the store after exiting without paying for the said items.

    Our clent is therefore within their legal rights to pursue this claim for compensation.

    We have only addressed the issues raised which have a legal basis any other points not answered are not relevant to the case. Your options are now to

    Pay the amount outstanding by credit/debit card etc

    Set up an installment etc.

    Write opting for the matter to be arbitrated upon by civil court judge. This will enable you to fully defend your case, submit appropriate evidence and attend before the court to confirm your own evidence and test the evidence of our client.


    Failure to settle the claim or respond within 21 days from the date of this letter will result in next stage action being taken against you without further notice.


    Wow, what a load of claptrap.

    I picked up the hinge first and as there was no basket on the handle, I put it on the trolley. I then put the bags of gravel on the trolley later and forgot the hinge was there!! How can this be percieved as deliberatley concealing?? I agree if I had picked up the hinge last and tried to hide it then yes that would be the case. Also no mention of offering up video evidence as that would surely confirm by my actions there was no intent to steal

    Any help would be very much appreciated.


  2. Hi Button

    No, not heard anything from either local B & Q or their head office. Ive looked through some threads but most have related to similar happening to somebody in March and judging by the letter from RLP with their list of stores they act for, it looks like they are growing in strength. They have even added something to their faq's saying if you have a medical problem ( relating to your behaviour ) then they need proof. This doen't apply to me of course, but the way they word everything is that your are guilty in any case so you dont have a chance to prove your innocence. Since when has absent mindedness or forgetfulness been a crime I wonder. They are very crafty though as they say irrespective of any police prosecution it does not affect their claim as its a civil one due to my "wrongful interference with our clients goods"

    I'll have another look round the site to see if there is anything similar. I dont hold out much hope of a response from B & Q either as it looks like they have mad their minds up and passed it on to RLP



  3. Hi Button1

    Yes got the letter this morning

    They are asking for £87.50

    Staff/Management time investigating or dealing with incident is £52.50

    Admin costs resulting from my wrongful actions is £15.75 and Apportioned security and surveillance cost is £19.25

    If I pay within 21 days its £70

    I really dont know what to do. I havent heard from the police (yet) B& Q didnt answer my letter and I just feel by paying it is an admission of guilt. RLP have wonderful terminology and make it look like it's futile to contest and would make matters worse if I did.

    They have even included a "Frequently asked questions and answers sheet" which also points to any appeal being a waste of time.



  4. Hi Freethemice and thanks for your response.

    As the incident only happened yesterday, I have yet to hear from RLP so I dont even know how much they intend to recover from me. I think the amount you mentioned is relevant to the original thread although from what I have read since, looks like this is maybe a standard charge. Its comforting to think that I wont get a visit from the police and from what you say it looks like a "civil" matter. The letter I wrote was posted yesterday to B & Q Head Office, RLP and a copy to the store manager at Ashton so I'm just hoping they can see sense but I'm not holding much hope for that.

    Its just so annoying when I think that this information could be held on computer about me which could affect future circumstances. Im 56 years old and had to give up work as I have chronic lung, kidney and heart disease so employment is unlikely to be a problem and we never go into debt for anything so even credit doesnt bother me, its the principal at stake here and the shameful treatment by a jobsworth security guard. I even thought about mentioning to B & Q as to why they dont have a small cage attached to the handle for you to put smaller items when using the trolley but I suppose it would fall on deaf ears.

    Anyway, many thanks for your input. I'll await the dreaded letters and see how we go from there


  5. I've had the same from B & Q which I find ludicrous. Heres a copy of my letter to them which I hope explains my circumstances. I am now in fear of the police knocking on my door, being taken to court and above all, being banned from B& Q where we have spent a small fortune over the past few years.. Any help would be appreciated:



    12th August 2009-08-12

    Dear Sirs

    I am writing to you regarding an incident at B & Q in Ashton Under Lyne earlier today.

    I bought 6 bags of gravel, which was the 5th time I had been in for similar amounts at the Oldham and Ashton stores.

    I also picked up a hinge, value about £6.

    As I picked up the hinge first, I put it on the large trolley which is open and is used for bags of materials. I then went to the gravel and had problems finding the correct bags which were on a pallet. I then put the bags one by one onto the trolley. I genuinely forgot about the hinge which was obviously hidden underneath the gravel.

    I went to the checkout and the lady said “5” to which I replied, no there are 6. I then paid on my debit card and loaded the stuff into my boot. A security officer came over and asked to check my receipt which I had no problem with and he said I hadn’t paid for the hinge. I apologised and immediately offered to pay as I had forgotten it was there. I then had to go inside and was issued with a banning notice and a notice of intended civil recovery. I was absolutely gobsmacked as I had totally forgotten about the hinge.

    My wife is currently working on the back garden , hence the gravel, and we are now 6 bags short as I can no longer go to the stores. I was told I could appeal to RLP Ltd and B & Q which is why I am writing this letter.

    I never intended to “steal” any goods, and if I had been dishonest, I could have told the checkout lady that I only had 5 when she questioned it. I’m sure she can verify that .

    I would be most grateful if you could reconsider this ban and civil recovery notice as it was a genuine mistake.

    Yours faithfully

    David Wright

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