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Posts posted by nitrous

  1. Hi Sid


    Seems like they're trying to be clever, although they have not sent me an offer, nor have I agreed to anything or signed anything, so I don't see what they have to gain.


    I tried to phone them but just got through to some oneone in India that cut me off.


    I think that I will just go ahead with the courts unless anyone advises differently.



  2. Hi Folks.

    I've asked Abbey for £1940.00 in fees, that they've charged me, over the last few years. I checked my account balance today to find that they have re-paid £415.00. I was due to make my claim through court today, but now I don't know what to do. Is this a stalling tactic by Abbey and will I have to make a fresh claim for the balance?

    I've not had any correspondence from them other than the standard "we are looking in to it and it might take several weeks" letter.

    Can anyone help please?

  3. Hi Folks


    I'm a new boy here so just thought I'd say 'Hi'. Reclaiming £1990 from Abbey from the last four years.

    What really annoys me about them is that they will pay out for a direct debit when there is not enough in your account just so they can charge you 1. for paying it and 2. for then going overdrawn as a result!

    Has anyone noticed that other non-banking companies - such as the utilities companies - are now charging for 'late payment'?

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