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Posts posted by jodunne

  1. Just an update on my sorry situation...Have now cancelled my order, and the status has been updated to cancelled on 6th August. Here we are on 24th August, and still no refund.


    I instructed my bank to start fraud proccedings against them almost 2 weeksa ago, so am hoping for some good news anytime soon, but to be honest, am not really expecting it!


    STAY AWAY FORM WWW.BITESIZEDEALS.CO.UK - Bunch of Theiving b@stards!

  2. HAving exactly the same issue as most of you - Ordered 32gb ipod touch for 253, the after 2 days no change in progress, despite 12 in stock, and usual dispatch time quoted as 24-48 hours. Emailed them asking for an update, and had the email stating "Thank you for your email. Our sincerest apologies for the delay in your order. Unfortunately, we had a few products out of stock. However we do have an order coming in with the product. It will be arriving within a week. Once the product has arrived we will expedite your order."


    Responded " Thanks for your email, however I am somewhat confused by this, given your website clearly states you have 12 in stock, and have had since I placed my order 9 days ago. Also, you have taken the money off of my card, despite not having the goods!

    Can you also please give me further claification on the delivery you are awaiting - arriving within a week of when exactly? I note from your website that this item is "normally dispatched within 24-48 hours" is this a reasonable expectation when you recieve the goods or is this relating to business day ie if delivery is recieved thursday 6th, it may not be dispatched until the following Tuesday 11th, and thus not recieved by me until perhaps 5 business days after that - 18th August - some 27 days after purchase."

    Still no response from them, despite sending emails for the last 5 working days. Have today found this site, and teh ongoing problems, and have given them a deadline of 17:00 to contact me, and will then be cancelling order (If I can!) and starting proceedings with my bank (barclays) to recooperate the funds they have taken. Have tried to cancel the order online, but get a message telling me it can't be done during the "holiday period" - what holiday period!!!!!

    Any advice on best ways of dealing with them??


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