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Posts posted by AustinP

  1. I did try to find my original thread on this but it appears to have vanished and it does not come up as a thread started by me so i'll try again.


    Previously i rented a property that needed the garden renovating. I wass assurred by the agents prior to agreement that the garden would be brought up to standard etc. I ended up clearing the garden myself to get things moving and told the agency if they didn't sort something out i would get quotes and seek offset, the agents assurred me again it was in hand. Now 3 months from the start of this all and about a month since i sent the email stating i would seek offset i have returned to find the garden covered with a liberal sprinkling of grass seed! (grass seed gives a usuable lawn in 4-6months btw) With the seed i also assume they are expecting me to weed and water it too which they can think again as i am on a water meter.


    Now at this point i really am getting a bit annoyed i have gone out of my way with alot of humping dumping and digging to make life easier for them and i feel like they are still trying to pull a fast one. I have just sent them another email stating i wasnt a significant rent reduction due to the property not being as advertised or as the assurance that they gave or i want releasing from the contract.


    After a quick flick through some of the legal posts can anyone give me an idea if this would come under section 11 in regards to maintenance of the property or under ruining the enjoyment of the property as the kids are desperate to play out and they are doing wall of death around the living room

  2. As a previous tenant with northwoods I have experienced this from the other end and have found northwoods to offer a very poor service all round, to the point where although the landlord was instructing them to carry out work he was having to come around and do it himself.

    Was a shame really as the landlord was a great guy and i would happily have rented from him directly. Unfortunately his agents and lost him a tenant.


    Out of interest for those more in the know if northwoods are referring to themselves as a tenant and getting into arrears could you start a repossession against northwoods? Or at least cause that much hassle that they will want to break the contract ;)

  3. As it seems there does not seem to be a way to contact this LL and there seem to be some shady goings on in the background, I would attempt to send a letter stating you want to quit the property at a date convenient to you and state if you do not get a response in 28 days you will consider the proposal accepted. Copy the letter and send it to yourself via special delivery.

    As said before some things do leave you open to the LL claiming against you but i would take the gamble after this that they would not want to risk spending the money to pursue a tentative breach of contract that could blow up in their face.

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