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Posts posted by 1984Dodge

  1. Ok thanks, Its such a relief to have had your response's Thank you very much.


    I'm sorry for my previous post. I'll wait for you to fing time and I am very grateful. Just an update. I have received a deemand for full settlement within 14 days from a company who claims to have taken debt from WF the new dc is called Lewis group. There is no mention of the vehicle, just a demand for payment. Ive ignored this should I sar them or cca them?


    Thanks and sorry again.



  2. Ok T2 Ive read the logs and there is mention of the new rate etc. I was gonna get to this but they have it shown on statement and log that I paid a £142 cash payment on a new agreed lesser amount this is untrue.


    Guys pm me and I will email further details as requested by T2 I do not want to divulge to much info in public, there may be unwanted guests etc.


    Thanks for showing an interest.

  3. Ok I mangaed to suss photobucket.


    I also have the followin:


    Statements of account.

    Call/ Ac Log notes.

    Wf repo agent intro letter.

    Original proof doc copies(passport,bank statements, employment contract payslips etc).

    Ucan car credit documentation checklist.

    Settlement statement.

    Uplift instructions.

    Carcraft payout checklist




    And the response they sent to my cca and sar as explained to t2 earlier in this thread.


    Let me know If I can help you guys to help me in any way.


    Thanks CAG, Thanks CAGGERS, Thanks T2, Thanks POSTGGJ

  4. Im glad your happy to help. I'll explain:

    3rd aug I have sent them the SAR with a po for £10 recorded delivery.

    I have sent (same day ) cca with po £1 recprded delivery.

    around 2 weeks later I received a letter thanking me for Sar and elleven pound fee and that it was being processed.

    About a week and half later they sent letter thanking for sar and enclosed agreement and statement of account (agreement only 2 pages?) and statements show fees that i dont understand.

    A further 3 days later I receive a larger envelope again thanking me for sar! and enclosed agreement (again 2 pages!), soa's, and call logs...........

    So to date no aknowledgment or production of cca other than the aknowledgment of £11.!

    I don't know what to make of it!

  5. T2 thanks.

    I will contact Direct group in the am.

    Am I being slow?... Didnt understand what you meant re a repo would be good considering I am on ban? I get my license back in november not long to go now! Tell me more. They did respond twice but both times the cover letters refer to sar not cca also they sent a letter when they confirmed receipt of my requests but they only mentioned sar thanking me for £11 even though I sent a cca with £1 and sar with £10 ! It feels as though they are trying to avoid sending me a cca....................I WONDER WHY ?

    . Thanks again I will contact insurance ,anything else I can do, does this mean that they are breach and I can issue dispute letter of some sort as they not aknowledged cca? I really can't wait to see them on the curb. ps good idea re hp check thanks.

  6. Thanks POSTGGJ & T2 im glad to have your help.

    Im looking at the default notice and it says in Bold letters 'Without Prejudice'

    I still have the car it is in my dads garage! The Sh=t really hit the fan last November (of all times of the year!) when I received a driving disqualification for 12 months!

    I didn't pay over 1/2 or a third and I do have shortfall I dont think I have ppi as it was so expensive I refused to have it, even though they tried to pressure me I would like to know if I have.

    Have not done HPI check do you know how I can do this for free online?

    They did not aknowledge cca they just refered to both requests with a thank you for the sar and the £11 fee ( I sent two letters each containing po £1 + £10). They then sent me a letter saying thankyou for sar with two pages from an alleged agreement and a few statements. Then A week later with a large envelope containing statements, Alleged agreement and call logs etc with a cover letter again thanking me for sar request. SO NO I DONT THINK THEY COMPLIED WITH CCA.

    I would definatley appreciate it if you could look at the content as I just don't have the right brain settings to comprehend the dif figures. I'll try to get them up soon. Surely they cannot file a default with the credit agencies unless legally documented...Can I have it removed?

    I am defo thinking that they dont have a proper executed agreement and that is why they were so agressive when I stopped paying, because I paid ontime the whole time until then. Postggj me also thinks that they don't have a proper agreement

    Thanks everyone.

  7. Hello CAGGERS and Welcome victims. I am starting this thread to try and get to the bottom of the pit that is Welcome Finance.

    I took a car on finance from them in Oct 2007. All was well until I was diagnosed with an illness and unable to work. Things got really bad and I was unable to keep up with the payments the local office I had (in London) had some real cowboys working there, I was harassed and threatend and made to feel so worried about it all that I buried my head under the sand. I was last called by them to be told that the car had been reposessed and that I still owed the outstanding balance, this was a lie but I dont understand why I was on the phone looking at the car whilst this so called agent smugly told me it had been recovered from outside my adress. I had never received statements or any correspondance except for the charge letters for pone calls etc. Last year I requested statements and they actualy sent me someone elses paperwork with all of their details on it ( great data protection) ! It has only been recently that I have attemted to tackle this problem and I have had some help on other threads

    Unfortunately I have lost my CCA and the fake statements they sent me whilst moving house, but I remember clearly that the copy I walked (drove) away with was not signed by them. I CCA and SAR 'd them in July and have now had a response from them. The cca they have sent has been signed which means it is fake as I know for definate that the executed agreement was not signed by them ( I wish I could turn back the clocks and find the paperwork). Also, the outstanding amount they claim that I owe is a lot higher then the debt they have filed on my credit file. They have also put a default against me I would love to know if they have done this lawfully as rading the other threads I have learnt that they dont do much lawfully!

    They told me that the agreement had been re-written over the phone and that the initial lower payment would commence this new agreement. I refused to make this payment because they kept on bamboozleing me with figures and equations that did not add up. I was called as late as 10:30 pm from withheld mobiles and threatend over the phone by agents.

    Why would they lie and claim to have reposesed the car?

    How can I tell if the agreement that they claim to hold on me is enforceable?

    The Default notice I have is titled Without Prejudice, what does this mean?

    (There is a default on my credit file)


    Could anyone who is more familiar with this company and its procedures be willing to look at my agreement for me if I email or post it.


    Thanks CAG and thanks to others who have already and are about to help me especialy Postggj and Andie) I think its great and I appreciate the support.



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