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Posts posted by cheddar82

  1. Firstly can i just say that you have all been great for replying, you have no idea how much it means to have assistance.


    The agreement sent only bears her ex's name and signature. No where on it is she referred to at all.


    He took it out via the joint account, but did not consult my wife, the agreement bears only his printed name and signature.


    She no longer has any financial ties with him apart from this loan, her name was removed almost as soon as they split up.


    I've not offered them a penny, i refuse point blank every time i used to speak to them until they provided adequate proof.


    You are right in that they can't contact her ex, they know where he lives but as far as i know have not been in contact with him, and also refuse to tell my wife any information they know about him.


    The silly tossers also sent one of his personal bank statements from before they had a joint account which as far as i can tell is illegal??


    I'm pretty sure they're persistantly chasing her because they can't find him. But they've got a better chance of takin on mike tyson than they have of getting any money out of me, i'll play bat and ball like this forever if i have to.


    I'll try and scan the loan agreement for you.


    I can't thank you all enough for helpin on this one, and as soon as i get paid i'll donate some money to the forum, it really is a godsend.



  2. Hello again,


    Today Robinson Way sent a massive envelope containing bank statements relating to my wife and her ex. This they are saying is the proof that my wife is liable for the loan.


    My question is; is she still liable? The only thing that they have on her is these statements. The original loan that was taken out was only taken out and signed for by her ex, the money was then transfered into their joint account. He then used this money for a van.


    They are trying to say that because it was a joint account that she is liable for the debt. If it turns out that she is liable, where do we stand? I ask this question because to my knowledge they cannot trace her ex, and obviously if she does have to pay them will she have to pay the whole lot?


    I would really appreciate some help on this please as it's getting beond a joke now. I just want to put it to bed even if we have to pay these ****.


    Thank you again

  3. Hello all, this is my first post but i'm damn sure it won't be the last, sorry if it's alot to take in and/or unclear.


    Firstly i'd like to say how brilliant this forum is! I have spent the last 2 hours reading many other peoples posts, and, as expected i can see that i'm not the only one to have dealings with these **** (for want of a better word!)


    About 6 months ago we had a letter in the post quite randomly stating that my wife owed hsbc £8500 and that RobWay had taken over the debt and would like to discuss payment options...... now as both me and my wife have had bad credit history she rang them to find out what the hell was going on and to sort it straight away.


    After about half an hour of trying to sort it out she got put throught to the litigation dept to try and suss out what this debt was for (the only thing we could think of was a debt that her ex partner racked up). After 10 mins on the phone, my then very pregnant wife was reduced to tears by a small dicked idiot on the other end, who was trying to bully her into paying a debt she knew nothing of. That was when i took over.


    1 week later the debt appeared on my wifes credit file entered by Robinson way.


    Since then we have been in constant communication with these idiots. It reached a point a month ago (after i'd looked for some info) where i requested a copy of the agreement which she had 'apparently' entered into with HSBC. Over a month later a letter appeared on the doorstep with a loan agreement in....... not her loan agreement though! All the loan agreement had was her ex partners name and signature with no mention of my wife.


    Brilliant i thought, so i contacted RobWay and stated that as my wifes name was nowhere to be seen they should remove the debt from there systems and her credit file (which has stopped us getting a remortgage for the past 6 months).


    A chap called Keith Cruger stated that he would make it top priority and would address it the following day, i gave him a 1 week timescale to be generous.


    A week later the same phone calls came and went along with numerous letters asking for payment, so, i rang again and this time spoke to another manager. He apologised for Keiths lack of cooperation (which i now realise is typical of them) and said that he would address the issue and come back to me within 48 hours. To his credit he did (amazingly) but when he called back he said that they had sent the wrong documentation and that the debt still stood! I then asked if he knew what the debt was in relation to, and he said 'it could be store cards, credit cards, loans or overdrafts.' To which i replied 'how can you chase my wife for a debt if you don't even know what the debt is for?' i then requested the appropriate documentation and threatened them with a CSA complaint form and court proceedings.


    That was last week and i've heard nothing so far.


    I'd really like some help with these w54kers, i've never wanted to punch someone down the phone before but these guys take the ****. We're at our wits end and my wife is now suffering with depression partly to do with this debt.


    Please help guys, sorry if this was a long rant but i've tried to tell you everything. If you need more details i'll be more than happy to provide them.



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