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Posts posted by satanette

  1. Hello everyone

    I am very much hoping you can help me too as partner is at his wits end.

    Basically he has a 15 year old son from a previous relationship who he has been giving money too, buying his clothes, paying for school trips / holidays etc for the past 10 years. He has a very vindictive ex who likes nothing more than to cause grief wherever she goes.

    Although said ex, is in a relationship with a man who works full time, she sits at home on benefits saying she lives alone totally milking the system. She really does want to have her cake and eat it!

    CSA have contacted my partner and demanded £7,000.00 in arrears, they simply do not care that he is self employed and has made a loss this past two years. We asked for an assessmnet based on his earnings and they have demanded he pay over £120 a week for arrears and the current CSA. He offered to pay £120 a month for assessment and arrears until his situation improves but he got threatened with court action, bailiffs and prison! They cannot serve a DOE as he is self employed - thank heavens for small mercies!

    It isn't that he doesn't want to pay, he does but this is a son who he doesn't see at all, contact ceased as every time he visited it was constant, 'where are you working', 'how much do you earn', 'how much do you spend on shopping' all the time, it was quite sad really that she had programmed her child to do nothing but ask questions!! Money money money.

    At Christmas and birthdays my partner spends over £250 on son, she spends about £40, last christmas just one xbox game!! This will have to stop if he has to pay out vast amounts of money every month.

    He is in an IVA as he only just managed to scrape by when recession hit and hung onto his business by the skin of his teeth, he struggles to pat £430 IVA every single month and the CSA told him that mortgage, Electricity, Gas, IVA payments etc are not priority debts???? Well hello, if he fails to pay his IVA he loses his house??

    We asked for a new assessment on his earnings, they have now asked for £36.00 per month for CSA assessment and want more for the arrears of £7k. Any advice would be so greatfully received.

    Thankiing you in advance.

  2. I saw on another site that the charges that barclays press on people can not be used if the person is on benefits? The money going into my account was working tax and child tax credit and not anything else? I only work 16 hrs and also care for someone with a disability, barclays have been downright rude and awful to me and now say they want amount in full plus 0.70pence a day interest on top.

  3. Hello all, first time here so bear with me if I seem a bit dim!!

    Have had money troubles recently, daughter moved out, left me with very high electric and gas bills (£1000 for 2 months for gas!!) and other debts that I have managed to clear.

    Had bailiff at door over a bill, maxed my overdraft to pay it and then found that all my benefits and low earnings were getting swallowed up into the charges leaving me with hardly anything to live on so I switched to another bank, moved my working tax and child tax there and wrote to barclays with token offer of £50 a month to clear debt, never had a reply!


    My debt it now at £1,623.55 (allbeit mostly bloody charges!!!!) and they have closed my account, finally but have demanded full payment and will be charging me 0.70 per day in interest!!


    HELP - where do I go from here, need interest frozen for a start so I can at least clear the dreaded debt.


    Awaiting helpful replies I hope!!!!!



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