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Posts posted by celandine

  1. Hi,


    Could anyone advise me on the role that HR should take in a sex discrimination case? My role was taken away from me when I went on maternity leave and I've spent a long time trying to get it back. The manager involved produced a string of feeble excuses and then suddenly, after a change in HR rep, announced that it had all been because of a departmental restructuring. This was a complete lie - I think someone would have noticed a restructuring! - but the HR rep was obviously expecting the announcement, shut me up when I protested that it was a lie, told me to accept it, sweep it under the carpet and move on. End of meeting.


    I've since worked out that the 'restructuring' argument is a legal excuse for constructive dismissal, though only if the restructuring actually happened, of course. I can't know if the HR rep suggested the excuse, but I'm 100% certain the manager didn't think of it alone.


    Is this acceptable to HR professionals, to order an employee to accept discrimination and to help a bad manager cover up for that discrimination?



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