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Posts posted by bradfordian

  1. TBH i havent asked for these on any of the debts i have, i was paying regular small amounts per month to them all but i wasnt even hitting into the interest and they all kept badgering me about more payments so in last 2 months ive stopped paying altogether and now some have been passed to credit agencies but when they have phoned i have basically said i would make myself bankrupt or dare them to take me to court..i have said that i can only afford 5pound per month-most have replied with letter accepting this(but as yet i havent commenced paying)..do you think i should carry on in this vein of not paying or should i go down the route of asking for CCA as well?

  2. I have received a letter from these people offering me a 50% discount on my debt with vanquis, i spoke with one of the vanquis monkeys only the other day and explained my reasons for not paying my debt and then this letter turns up. I am to phone them to agree an affordable monthly plan and all interest charges will be suspended, should i talk to them or continue in my vain of not paying?...i was a regular payer of all my debts until circumstances changed and i saw 'the light' by reading comments on this forum....cheers for any comments.

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