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Posts posted by azhar

  1. Hi All,


    I am going through a very very bad period financially and have about 9 accounts, (3 personal loans, and 6 credit cards). All were taken prior to April 2007, because of miss payments few accounts have gone into default, and few are gooing to be default very soon. Please guide me what and how can i do something to make these agreements unenforable? in the beginning i thought its all [problem] and not possible but now after vising this site and few others I believe it could be possible. I have spoken on phone with few of creditors and 1-2 have said they do not have any agreemnts etc, personal loans ones have sent me agreements with my sigatures on it, showing the amount i borrowed, interest and monthly payments, does that mean i canot do anything, or there is stilla way? Please guide ASAP so i start doing something....many thanks

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