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Posts posted by bean09

  1. Hi Bean and welcome.


    I assume that the 'debt collection agency' that has been chasing is Mercers. They are part of Barclaycard and share the same offices as Barclays own collection department.


    It is very unlikely the debt would be sold at this point but will be passed out to an agency that is in fact merely collecting on behalf of Barclaycard.


    Most likely be Credit Solutions or Moorcroft. Point to bear in mind is that, despite what they say they have no powers whatsoever, just full of empty threats.


    Dealing with Barclaycard and any DCA's: Never talk to them on the phone, (they will threaten and lie through their teeth), only deal in writing.


    Post up again when they make contact for advise on how to deal with them.:grin:





    Thank you so much for your answer! having read through posts on here, i will definitely only deal with whoever contacts me in writing.


    I will also definitely be posting on here for advice... so until then i will just have to sit and wait! :|

  2. Welcome to CAG


    Well, they can pass it on as many times as they want.


    If barclaycard sell your debt, they must notify you in a Notice of Assignment. Have they sent you anything like that yet?


    How old is your account with them.


    Hello, thank you. I'm really happy to have found this forum. wish i'd found it sooner really.


    I haven't recieved anything - my ex hasn't passed on any such post. it could be that he has been a bit lax and threw it away. the last time i made a payment was back in oct 08, just before i lost my job. i'm still unemployed but trying to retrain for a new profession - hence my money situation is still dire but i'm trying my best to put all my finances in order.

  3. I'm not sure, because due to moving about so much, i haven't recieved any written correspondence and the texts i recieved didn't say who they were (i wish i had saved them but my phone is so old it only saves 10 texts at a time!).


    the number i called was 0844 556 0066


    i'm now worried about having given my new address - is the transfering of my account to another agency code-speak for sending baliffs round??


    my outstanding balance due is around £700.

  4. I've been ignoring/avoiding payment demands from barclaycard for months now. Not exactly responsible I know but various personal issues including losing a job and splitting up with a partner and having to move out of our flat meant I've been able to avoid confronting this - especially as I've been living with friends over the last 6 months, moving every month or so.


    Anyway, last fri I finally called the debt collection agency who have been texting me about my outstanding barclaycard debt... they told me the relevant department was closed so to call back on the department's direct number on monday. So i called back yesterday and to my surprise the on-hold message and then the person who answered the call said "welcome to barclaycard".


    Anyway to cut a long story short, when I spoke to them, I updated my address details and then they told me that my account was in the process of being passed onto another agency. And that this other agency should be in touch with me within a week.


    Is it normal for a debt collection agency to sell the debt to another agency?


    Any advice would be appreciated - never been in this position before so feel totally in the dark and a bit stupid :confused:



    thanks in advance.

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