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Posts posted by laurengar86

  1. Hi everyone! I'm new to this site and had to join after receiving a distressing letter from Philips Collection Services.


    I am currently a full-time student and also working part-time to aid this, I received a parking fine and sent a cheque to the local council and considered it dealt with until I recently received a letter saying that the fine had not been paid and therefore they would be dealing with my employer and taking the money from my pay; something that didn't bother me particularly and has happened before and all went well. Anyhow, it appears this hasn't happened either because I received the letter from Philips saying that they were going to send bailiff's to my property (I live with my parents and have no assets other than a brimming wardrobe!)


    Where exactly do I stand with this? I have contacted Philips and asked for the case to be referred back to the court if this is possible.. I'm just wondering if anyone's had a similar issue and if so, how was it reconciled? Philips have added their own 50.00 charge and I'm not paying it on top of the 85.00 fine but would be happy to just clear it with the council since it is after all, them who I owe the money to.


    Any info would be great, I'm pretty shook up about it all really!!

    Many thanks,


    L x

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