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Posts posted by Nelinuk

  1. Thanks tezcatlipoca. I believe that's what I'm on with the single occupier rate, but it certainly won't hurt to ask the question.


    I wouldn't mind so much if I was taking baths every night and doing half a dozen loads of washing every week. But I'm SO careful with my water usage ... only flushing the toilet when I need to (sorry about that mental image), I don't have a dishwasher, no garden to water, work full-time so am not there most of the time etc etc.

  2. Hi, I'm hoping someone can help.


    I am supplied by Thames Water, living in a one-bedroom flat on my own. Based on this basic information, I am paying £20 a month for my water.


    Having used the Consumer Council for Water calculator, it seems it should be more like £13 a month.


    I cannot have a meter as my flat is the upstairs of a converted terrace house and there is nowhere for the meter to go (they've been out to check).


    From what I've read, I can't challenge the rateable value set in 1989 - despite the fact that the house was converted into flats in 1989 and possibly my rateable value applies to the HOUSE ... not my flat.


    Is there anything I can do to see about reducing my water bill?? I am on the single occupier rate.



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