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Posts posted by tengumask

  1. Update:


    had my 2nd appeal rejected, they basically repeated what they said in their first rejection - i didnt have a valid ticket on display. They completely ignored the fact that their machine is faulty!


    Anyway, going to keep to the sound advice on here and just keep their letters for future reference.



  2. I'm sure you said that with tongue-in-cheek tengumask, but I'm sure you agree that not paying for valid parking is not supported or condoned on CAG.


    Yes it was said very much tongue in cheek, I'm more than willing to pay the fees for any service I use, but like you said, i'll seek the advice of caggers when they try to bite off more than they can chew!

  3. Thanks for all your advice guys, I was actually going to call them today to ensure they got my 2nd email appeal. But now i'm going to take the common advice on here, completely ignore anything from them, find a new car park, and collect the nice threatening letters to stick on my fridge.


    Makes me wonder though, providing you don't get clamped, you'd never have to buy a (private car park) ticket again!

  4. They can apply to the DVLA for the details of the Registered Keeper and would most likely get them, but as far as DVLA is concerned, that is all they help they will get. After that it is up to them to pursue you.


    Given you have 'appealled' :rolleyes:, they most likely have your details already so going to the DVLA would seem a little pointless.


    As others have said, as this is not a ticket issued on behalf of the local council, the standard advice is just ignore and they should eventually go away. The norm. is around 3 PPC letters, 2 DCA letters and 2 Solicitor letters depending on the PPC pursuing. As you have 'appealled', you may get a few more as it will take them a little longer to cotton-on that they are onto a loser.


    Thanks for the info! But christ the 3 PPCs, 2 DCAs, and 2 solicitor letters sound a bit scary. Is there a chance they would ever pay me a visit to the address I provided for correspondence? I suppose I could always just say he doesn't live here!

  5. Hi, my first post as i'm new to the forums!


    Heres my story, i park every day in an all day car park which charges £3.50 standard for all day parking. It is owned by VCS (vehicle control services).


    I paid £3.50 into the machine, and it came to £3.40, so i pressed refund. No money came out, and the meter reset to £0.00.


    I had no change left, so left a note explaining this in my window.


    I also attempted to call the number on the car park gate to no avail as the number was invalid.


    I recieved a ticket, which i appealed and got rejected. They basically said that I should have called the number on the signs (which i did), and that even though i didnt intentionally park against the rules, i did not display a ticket therefore the PCN is valid.


    My arguement back to them was that if they can provide me with evidence that the machine on that day was NOT £3.50 excess of the amount of tickets issued, then theyre case would stand if court proceedings were to happen. As it happens, I checked the machine today and it is out of order! I sent them a picture of this.


    As they are demanding the £80 before this saturday (4th July) and will increase the charge to £120 if it isn't recieved by this date, any response would be much appreciated!



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