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Posts posted by apple8

  1. no i cant pay, it the PCN number is invalid. i thought if the out of time was refused you were just back where you started with the bailiffs?!


    i can pay the pcn and bailiff charges of 11.20 for a letter and 28% for the over £100 fine. but in no way does this amount acrue to £427.88 (should be £251.14?). how do i pay what i owe and bring to attention these unfair charges (if they are defs unfair and i haven't missed something)... anybody??

  2. I came home from working away as a live in carer to a parking fine ticket that had been passed on to bailifs.


    the fine was £185 and charges for warrant of execution were £242. i asked for a breakdown and proof of certification of the bailif and the co have replied giving the court of certification and saying the charges are legal and just under the enforcement of road traffic debts (certificated bailifs) (amendment) regulations 2003


    I filed an Out of Time late Statutory Declaration, which has just been refused and i dont know what to do now. I am a student doing medicine so have no way of earning this sort of money. can anyone help me??


    thank you

  3. Thanks for the responses..just had a hectic morning of navigating my way through TE7 and TE9


    it was a pcn from london borough of southwark. i haven't been clamped but the letter states if he calls again i have to pay £662. i havent paid but should i rely on my stat dec being accepted? should i just beg/borrow money to pay and then try and get it back?


    thanks loads in advance

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