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Posts posted by KELLOGGS77

  1. In what way are they pressing for payment?


    Well the word pressing is probably not really applicable!! I just receive an occasional burst of letters, from a variety of DCA's with the usual threats. I can handle this as long as doing so has no detrimental affect on my credit file (this is my only real concern). If it may I would prefer a more proactive approach to get it sorted!

  2. Hi,


    I have an old credit card debt to Marbles (HFC) of £1400, which if my memory serves me well is about 7 or 8 years old. Every year or so I get a few letters from a variety of debt collection agecies whom I assume are linked in some way. They generally threaten the usual impending egal action, collector visit and provide deadlines. They even every fourth letter offer a reduction in the debt.


    My instinct has always been to ignore any letters and only concern myself with it if I ever recieved a letter from court, at which time I would pay it. Now this has obviously never happened, however I am still uncomfortable with the letters and concerned regarding my credit file. I work fo a bank (although within insurance) and have personaly had to manage staff through issues identified following financial screening, hence my concern.


    I want to end his issue, and do accept I probably do owe around £1000 of this debt. I am often tempted to pay the reduced fee just o put an end to it. Can anyone provide me with any direction? I am currently in receipt of a letter from Meritforce and have read a little reagrding statuate debt. Will this apply in tis instance? I have always been orried that if I did try to fight this that I would be acknowledging the debt, and that the 6 year gap might not quite have expired.

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