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Everything posted by Blake9

  1. An update: I sent an email on Monday to the financial controller to summarise points outlined on the direct.govt website as to why I was technically an employee and not a freelancer and thus why I should be paid for the 4 bank holidays and the holidays I had accrued. I received a prompt reply offering to pay me 6 days which included the 4 bank holidays. I am reasonably happy with this outcome, however he did not admit that I was technically an employee and said there was a fine line between a contract for services and a contract of services. My only querie now though is that if I worked from 25th Mar to 5th June with 6 days enforced leave without pay shouldn't I be paid more than 6 days?
  2. Thanks for the reply. I worked a totaly of 47 days of a three month contract. 25th March - 5th June. However, they made me take six days off mid contract because they didn't have enough work to justify me coming in. 25 days divided by 12 months? Would be about four days correct?
  3. Hello - follows on from a previous post of mine. Sorry guys, I've just moved here from overseas and things are a little different here regarding public holidays and the like. I've recently finished a three month full-time contract, so am I entitled to 1.8 paid days off for each month that I have worked? Also, if the company closes for the bank holidays and gives everyone in the office a paid day off am I entitled the same? Thanks for any help.
  4. Yes it was a fixed term contract. Nothing in the contract about "contract for services". If the other employees are given bank holidays as paid days then would I be entitled to those days paid as well? Even thought I had been there for only a month? If legally, I am considered an employee, can the employer tell the employee they are not needed for a week and that they won't be paid for the time off?
  5. I had a recruiter find me the job. So was placed by them, however paid by the company on the last Friday of every month just as the rest of the office was. The company paid PAYE and deducted my tax.
  6. Yeah I spoke with a lawyer on the phone today and he said I should look at the Working Time Regulations clause. I'm wondering also, if I should get in touch with the head of finances and let them know that I'm thinking of writing a grievance letter and at the same time outlining my concerns. Good idea or not such a good idea?
  7. Evening (first time poster....), I've just completed a 3 month full-time contract where I was paid a wage at the end of each month. I was paid using PAYE. There isn't anywhere in my contract which says I am a freelancer, however my employer told me to take 6 days off unpaid leave as there wasn't enough work at this stage of the contract to have me come in. I was very surprised they asked me this as I thought I was a full-time employee, not a freelancer (which is what they said I was). If I have known I was signing a contract as a freelancer, I would have negotiaged it quite differently, such as being paid any over-time (I worked past 1am for them and regularly past 8pm), and a more competitive daily rate. I've done a little bit of research so far to determine whether I fall into the catagorie of freelance or employee and it seems I am an employee. Business cards were printed for me, had a fixed desk and computer, email set up and was put on the internal phone list. I don't want to hinder my chances of getting a good reference from these people, however they owe me 6 days and (I think) 4 bank holidays - and that is a fair bit of cash. Any advice most welcome. Thanks.
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