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Billy York

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Posts posted by Billy York

  1. Ok guys - how many more times have you got to be told about this bunch of rip off merchants? They are shortly going to feature on RIP OFF BRITAIN programme because that is exactly what they are RIP OFF MERCHANTS! I know because I work for them (got to pay the mortgage some how Im afraid). If you want to send your goods back it is simple - just dont pay and they will take them back! Dont worry abourt court and all their idle threats - they dont take anybody to court because they dont want to expose the way they operate! If you inclined to do so (and hundreds do every month) just dont pay and they will stop calling after 28 weeks they will just write the account off!! THEY CAHRGE OVER THE ODDS FOR THE PRODUCTS THEY SELL, THEY CHARGE OVER THE ODDS FOR THE INTEREST THEY CHARGE, THEY SCREW CUSTOMERS WITH INSURANCE AND WARRANTIES AND THEN THEY SCREW CUSTOMERS SOME MORE WHEN THEY SELL WITH ROLL OVER FINANCE!!!! In the North East there is a [problem] called Buy As You Bump which is costing these **** a fortune!! Im not saying it is right or that people should do it but the fact is there are people out there who know how this lot work and are playing the system. Why dont BAYV do anything about it after harrassing and failing to get cash? Like I said they dont want to expose how they operate!! Just for your info this company are owned by Barclays!!!! The CEO is a fat bloke called Graham Clark who used to work for Brighthouse!! BAYV/BRIGHTHOUSE/BANKERS - heaven for the fly fraternity - a big pile of ****!

  2. Hey there Jose - you are one of thousands of customers who are hoodwinked into having their accounts refinanced - you must have have been sold insurance and warranty and all that iin the past - Ill bet it was never properly explained to you. Credit cards are having to pay back a fortune because of mis selling - why should these get away with it??? If you dont complain these people will get away with it.

  3. I still work for this company and you are right they are rip off merchants! You are complaining about interest charges and bad service - there is more!! How many of you have been mis sold warranty and insurance? Was it all properly explained to you?? I doubt it because when we are selling it we dont really know how to explain it ourselves!! Lots of customers who are sold the insurance already have insurance!! They are making a fortune out of it because nearly everybody is mis led into having it. We cant do anything about it because if we dont sell it we get a bo**ocking and are threatened with our job. If you try to stand up to them here or dont do as you are told you are in big trouble - some have and they are just sacked. If the insurance or warranty or interest or anything else wasnt explained to you properly write to the bosses, not Customer Service. Tell them you want to send all the goods back and you want all the money that you have paid given back because you have been mis sold products and services. Write to Graham Clarke, Chief Executive, Buy As You View Ltd, Kingsway Buildings,Kingsway, Bridgend Industrial Estate, Bridgend, CF31 3RY who by the way also used to be one of the top bosses at Brighthouse!! If he doesnt sort the problem out for you write to Adrian Hill, Chairman, at the same address or why not write to them both at the same time!! The other thing which most people seem to be ignoring is - have you noticed how we are all having the fact that interest charges are at an all time low rate? BAYV havent reduced theirs!! In fact I think they have gone up during the last couple of years!! The bosses also told us the company is now owned by the banks which makes it worse!!There is a lot more going on here which people should know about so I will come back shortly with some more. In the meantime keep me informed about how you have got on with your complaints and whether my advice has helped - good luck!!

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