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Posts posted by Novalee

  1. We missed some council tax and the bailiffs came around the other month- no previous contact.OH let them in (I now know never to do that!) and he signed an agreement to pay x amount over 3 months putting the car as 'property' (all we've got!) and paid nearly £300 there and then.We paid 1 day late in Sept but it cleared. I was about to pay yesterday (1 day early) and got home to a hand posted letter saying they'd come to seize the car, which wasn't there fortunately.But I tried to pay last night on automated line and it wouldn't let me.OH called them today to see what's happening. They said because we were one day late last month the agreement was cancelled. (They didn't tell us this at the time? No correspondance whatsoever and they accepted the payment.)They've now added £185 on top for extra fees?That seems extortionate?Do we have a leg to stand on?(Dukes Bailiffs)

  2. I got this laptop in April from Comet, and from day 1 there has been sound issues. It is crackely, even start up sounds, everything crackles. If I am watching a DVD often the screen freezes and jumps.


    My partner said to leave it for a while until we were internet connected (just moved house) and he could download a codec that might sort it out. It didn't work though.


    I know want to return the laptop to Comet and swap it for another make, I don't mind swapping for a more expensive one, but I don't particularly want another ACER as this hasn't really given me much faith in them.


    I just wondered if anyone could give me any advice on this and where we stand with this situation before I go to the shop without all the information I need?



  3. 15th of last month, my loan payment bounced (due to bank holiday pushing payday back (I didn't realise)). I went in and asked them about it, and what to do. They said it doesn't matter - I would be charged for unpaid item, but my loan would just be pushed back one month. Nothing else would happen.


    Only the 12th of this month, they took out my loan repayment, + £10. Then on the 15th they took out my loan repayment. (I only found this out today when I checked my balance and saw the state of it - so I had to use Pc on my break at work to check what's going on!) So basically they took out last months payment as well! This has put me £300 over my overdraft allowance. So I'll have to pay for that as well. As well as having no money for food or anything else until payday. I've no internet access yet, as we have just moved house (and still haven't had the deposit back from the old house!) and BT are taking forever to install our line and I usually manage my accounts online. Everything is going wrong at once and it's costing me a fortune!


    Can they do this? I'm so angry because I was assured in branch that they wouldn't be doing this - or anything like this!


    I can't wait to pay it off altogether then change banks :(

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