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Posts posted by jamie1990

  1. hi i was advised to look on this forum by a friend that thought you could help just checking i had a case before i started bothering, 3 years ago i joined the army i was in for a pathetic 2 months haha but at the end of the 2 month my money had built up in the bank, but i could only access this money 1 month after i came out of the army. as i was leaving the army i was told i was paid £50 pounds to much so they put the money in my account early so i could take the £50 pounds out and give them it back i also took £100 pounds out for the journey back, unfortunatley the army took my money back out of the account without me knowing and didnt let me touch it for 1 month when they took the money out i became overdrawn by £100 pounds which then built up to £300 pounds without me knowing basically meaning i had to give the bank £300 pounds of my money i earned for them doing nothing could i claim this back?, also after this when the overdraft was paid i spent my money until £6 pound was left in again i didnt know but a service charge was added which knocked my account £4 pounds overdrawn which again built to 60 plus pounds overdrawn could i claim this back, this may sound stupid on my behalf but i find it unfair that i lost 360 plus pounds of my hard earned money for nothing because i was told in the army just to sign for the account please help.

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