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Posts posted by sammianderic

  1. UPDATE.......spoke to Nationl Debt Line who advised us to write to the Bailiffs and offer them the £5 a week again and if they don't except the £5 a week it will be put aside until the Council take the debt back,also to write to the Council and complain to them with a copy of the letter sent to the Bailiffs.Also to put in a complaint to the Local Government Ombudsman,all this has been and done and in the post so will now sit back and see what happens....

  2. LOL...we are like you,we dont drink or smoke or go out to pubs etc,but eat healthily but not dead expensive foods,i suppose we should have a piece of toast split between six and 1 baked bean each..lol...after reading alot of these posts my hubby is up for a fight now..lol...it's a brill site.....info still needed on what to do etc....going to bed now will check in the morning.. :)


    Hi,The Council sent us a bill for 07/08 which they have split into two bills for some reason,nearly £900 in total.We did not refuse to pay this but we wanted to know how they came to this amount and what payments we could do as we are on low income at the moment.They said they would send us a means form.Well this form never arrived but Jacobs Bailiffs did,they were sent away as we were disputing it and even the Bailiff said the Council should take it back as it should not have gone to the Bailiffs in the first place.The Bailiff was not allowed entry to our house what so ever.The Council could not give us an exact amount.It went to Court and i went only to be met by some woman who took me in a side room and said because of our circumstances she would go back to her Manager and pull the bill back they sent to the Bailiffs and get a payment scheme we could afford and there was no need to see the Judge.I found out a week later when i rang the Council up to find out if they had sorted out payments for us to make,the woman said that she had got a liability order.So me thinking things would be sorted she waited for me to go out the Court and she snuck in to see the Judge and got this order.

    Now as it stands after loads of phone calls to the Council and Bailiffs,the Council said they cannot pull the one back from the Bailiffs and we will have to pay the Bailiffs and also pay the Council the other or they will send what they have to the Bailiff aswell.The Bailiffs said send them our means form and they would accept the £5 we offered.We emailed it to them 2 weeks ago and today in the post recieved a reply.They say they are strictly limited to the amount of time they are given to hold the liability order,they are unable to accept our offer and the minimum payment they consider suitable is £150 per month.blah blah..of course we were fuming,we rang the Bailiffs and they said pay it or they will send the Bailiffs round and that's that.They threatend with prison for failing to pay.We said we had a big dog on the back garden who would have anyone who tresspassed and they said they would put that down as well.We haven't refused payment in the first place just finding out how much,how they came to the amount and reasonable payments etc.The Bailiffs made me feel sick and so worried.My wife rang them after me as i was in too much of a state,she was hung up on twice as she voiced herself,then she said ok we will pay it,send a payment card and we wont feed the kids for the 3/4 months we have to pay this!!They want the first payment made on the 26th of June.

    Now my wife found this site and the info has been uplifting and we would like to know what we should do now if anyone could help us,it would be gratefully appreciated.We intend going to the Council Offices next week to cause a storm about all this and we are trying to find out if we can sue the Council and Bailiffs for the stress and heartship they have caused and are causing.

    Also about the means form we sent the Council and Bailiffs,we put £840 per month we use for food and the Council said that is excessive...well there 2 adults and 4 children,1 child is under 1 another is 5 years then 2 teenagers,i worked out £840 divide by 4 weeks is £210 per week,divide that between 6 people per week gives you £35 per person per week,divide per day gives you £5 per day per person..and they say this is not reasonable,this was under estimated,baby's nappies,milk etc,do these people not eat or just have no clue what it's like to bring up a family???Sorry to go on......hope to get some great advice soon.....Thanks for reading this and having patience..

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