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Posts posted by vod30

  1. Ok folks, here we go!

    As of Thursday the 16th July I called my ISP (Tiscali) to cancel my subscription. Here is a rough guide of how the call went.

    Tiscali Rep, Good morning (can’t remember name) Speaking how can I help you today?

    Vod30, I would like to cancel my subscription please.

    Tiscali Rep, Can I go through the security procedure and confirm your details.

    Vod30, Yes ok, go ahead!!!

    After check!

    Tiscali Rep, I see you have been a customer since 2006, why would you like to cancel?

    Vod30, I have discovered lately that you Port Throttle between the hours of 6pm to 12pm. Well this does not now fit into my needs as a customer of yours because this prevents me playing EVE Online.

    Tiscali Rep, Long pause!

    Vod30, you, do know what I am talking about?

    Tiscali Rep, Yes I do, I can put you through to our tech dept, I’m sure they can help you!

    Vod30, No that won’t help as it is a standard practice (to port throttle) within your company. So now can you give me my MAC code so I can change providers?

    Tiscali Rep, Ok I will arrange this for you. I will process this you will have your code within 5 days. We will post this out to you and e-mail it to you.

    Vad30, I was informed that you have to give it to me by request so I would like it now!

    Tiscali Rep, It’s not as simple as that. We have to apply to BT to get the code from them as they own your telephone line (Spider senses going off here*).

    Vod30, (being naïve) Oh I did not know that, so what you are saying is you guys have to get my MAC code from BT because they own my line. But you provide me with internet and not BT, so am I sure in what you are saying… It’s because they provide me with my telephone line?

    Tiscali Rep, Which is correct sir! Sometimes we can get the code out with an e-mail within an hour or 2.

    Vod30. (Thinking to myself this is going to be fun) Ok, just e-mail my code as soon as you can. And also please send it in writing!

    Tiscali Rep, Ok we will do that for you.

    Vod30, Thank you! END CALL.

    *Spider senses. I get the sense of a delaying tactic here; I know for a fact my I.S.P (Tiscali) has my MAC code. As they have to bloody generate the number with the press of a button. I made a dummy call to BT Customer services today 18/07/09 to ask for my MAC code, as my I.S.P (did not reveal name) claimed they had to retrieve my MAC cod from them, so I thought you could give it to me. BT operator begins to laugh, so did I. She knew that I knew this was not true to fair trading. She did her job well and even tried to see if they could beat the deal that I found online.


    Too say I am P”*&ed off would be an understatement, so on Monday morning some poor soul of an operator, will not get my wrath so being fair I will request a supervisor or manager as they get paid more for what I have to say.


    Tune in Monday for an update

  2. You may want to call the finance company, you should find their number on your copy of the finance paper work. They will be able to check and see if you are on their database and let you know the status of the aggrement. It may turn out you are on a BNPL (buy now pay later) or a fixed 12 months it may be the case it could be pending and awaiting activation. I have had too call a retailer helpdesk to be told many a time the error is down to there data entry team...Arrggghhh! I work in the furniture biz and have been a showroom manager for over 6 years and have delt with s**tloads of stuff like this.



    Hope this helps you out.

  3. You could also try speacking to the finance company that CSL arranged your finance with, in my experiance they may freeze the account due to the dispute and also withdraw the payment that they have made too CSL. Look in the terms and conditions for unsatisfactory goods and services. Trading standards should be more helpful and point you in the right direction and help you get an independent inspection done also. I am also pretty sure there is an independent furniture company out there who can also step in, I can't remember their name at the moment but I will get it when i am at work later today. Don't worry I am a manager within this industry. I will post this company details when I get back tonight.;)

  4. Hi all, I stumbled across this site by google as I was looking for some serious advice. Found what i needed to know. Now I have shiny new armour a big shiny shield and an even bigger sword to fight back a DCA. Many thanks and I will recommend this site to my friends and colleagues.


    I am also a manager for a large furniture retailer in Scotland so if anyone needs any help with furniture problems just give me a shout and i will help you out as best i can. ;-)

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