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Posts posted by Godzone

  1. Just chanced upon this thread...As I understand the law, a creditor cannot enforce a judgment against you in a UK court if they are aware that you are now resident i.e. have a permanent and sole address outside of the UK. Neither can a bankruptcy action be brought against you.

    However.....the EU has agreed a procedure known as an EPO -European Payment Order - which comes into force in January 2009 and can be used to enforce collection of a UK debt without the CCJ.

    As I understand this law, if you wish to contest the debt, the hearing must take place at a court in the country where the debt was incurred.


    Surely this doesnt apply to none EU countries does it?

  2. So far no luck.... apparently it is I who have to prove that I dont have the debt, and apparently they can list a debt from anywhere in the world they please!!!?? This has distroyed my credit rating here in NZ, and there is nothing i can do about it at present! The credit reporter and the debt collectors have in my opinion acted like a bunch of mongrels.


    I have even said okay, take me to court and lets see what you have, but no response yet!!!


    Bastards the lot of them.

  3. I moved to New Zealand three years ago, and in doing so I left a debt that I couldn’t pay in the UK. I have just about picked up the pieces of my life, but unfortunately I have recently found out that I have a default of payment record on my New Zealand credit history.


    Apparently it was put there from a collections agency who did contact me a few times here in New Zealand, but at the time I just pretty much ignored them.

    The problem is that my record shows me as owing an amount of money in NZ dollars, which misleads anyone who looks at it into thinking that I have incurred the debt whilst living in NZ. My question is how can a UK debt show up on a NZ credit file, and how the heck can a NZ collection agency give out the sort of information that infers that I have had a debt incurred in NZ when the debt was years ago in the UK???


    This is very misleading and surely a breach of the credit reporting code!?

    I have spoken to the credit reporting agency, and they just said that it is up to me to get the collection agency to withdraw the default notice etc… I did tell them that they were breaking the law by using information that misleads etc, but they just told me tough, nothing we can do about it!!!


    I said how can they list a debt which they cant prove I have, or which is outside the law of the land… they just told me they can!!!


    I would welcome sound advice please.

  4. I moved to New Zealand three years ago, and in doing so I left a debt that I couldn’t pay in the UK. I have just about picked up the pieces of my life, but unfortunately I have recently found out that I have a default of payment record on my New Zealand credit history.


    Apparently it was put there from a collections agency who did contact me a few times here in New Zealand, but at the time I just pretty much ignored them.

    The problem is that my record shows me as owing an amount of money in NZ dollars, which misleads anyone who looks at it into thinking that I have incurred the debt whilst living in NZ. My question is how can a UK debt show up on a NZ credit file, and how the heck can a NZ collection agency give out the sort of information that infers that I have had a debt incurred in NZ when the debt was years ago in the UK???


    This is very misleading and surely a breach of the credit reporting code!?

    I have spoken to the credit reporting agency, and they just said that it is up to me to get the collection agency to withdraw the default notice etc… I did tell them that they were breaking the law by using information that misleads etc, but they just told me tough, nothing we can do about it!!!


    I said how can they list a debt which they cant prove I have, or which is outside the law of the land… they just told me they can!!!


    I would welcome sound advice please.

  5. Hi everyone



    I have a similar problem, but it was a credit company (store goods) not a bank, but they have engaged the services of a local debt collection agency, who have paid me a few couple of visits and dozens of letters. I didn’t answer their letters, and the second time they came around I said thank you for making me aware of the situation, and then asked them to leave politely. They pressed me for an answer regarding payment, and I insisted that they (the debt collectors) and I had no business between us, other than the fact that they had been instructed to give me a message and that I would look into it. A year on and I have found a problem when I needed to set up an account with a company, they told me that I had been flagged up as owing an amount of money (in NZ dollars) to this debt collection agency, and that a default had been issued against me a year ago.


    I was under the impression from the previous post, and others, that because a debt under these circumstances, ie one incurred from the UK, and one that couldn’t be enforced here in NZ, it surely couldn’t be added as a bad debt marker to your NZ credit rating, and such information as “default issued” or in fact an amount in NZ$ by the NZ collection agency, … well is this right? I mean can they do that?


    I think that the bottom line is that the company who I have been trying to open an account with are under the impression that I have occurred this debt in NZ, and that I have some sort of default against me here! Can I instruct the NZ credit rating corp to remove this information?



    Any help or advice please, and just to save any unwanted advice, the debt has not been acknowledged by me here, and it cannot be paid back for reasons other than just financial which I wont divulge.

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