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Posts posted by pebble20

  1. In the four years I spent as an RCI with LU there were NO fare evasion cases where CCTV evidence was used, and as far as I'm aware this is still the case. The only occasion where it may be used is where violence is involved.


    Oyster data is used but this is usually to catch people who regularly and systematically evade their fare, for example using two Oyster cards to 'dumbbell' or for people abusing the Customer Charter scheme. These are highlighted by automated analysis software which produces 'Oyster Intelligence' reports which are followed up with investigation.


    A couple of points:


    - LU don't like cases to get complicated, with CCTV it could


    - If you are stopped by an RCI on London Underground you will only be reported for the offence they have witnessed and written up





    Hi Underground


    Do you think if I reply to TfL and ask them to look at CCTV to see me touching in at the start of my journey they will check it? That is assuming they somehow still have it after longer than 14 days anyway!


    By the way what is "dumbbelling"?!

  2. It was interesting to read about the use of CCTV evidence... I am interested in this but for a different reason: to try and provide some form of proof that I did touch in using my oyster card at the start of a journey where I was later checked by an inspector who then told me my card was not validated and reported me :mad:


    I guess that some of us need CCTV to show we did something, while others need it NOT to show that we did something !


    I do not yet know if footage is still available for the date I was stopped, but earlier I found the following reply by TfL to a 'freedom of information' request which seems to confirm that for the tube (and presumably the buses also?) they only keep CCTV for 14 days, which is not long enough to help me :(


    How long is London Underground CCTV stored? - WhatDoTheyKnow


    Does anyone know if this is correct across the board, or does it in fact vary depending on the actual tube station or something? I thought these days most places kept CCTV for at least a month.

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