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Posts posted by confusedwife

  1. The story unfortunately did not end there.... British Gas have readjusted all the previous bills over the past year and half to put maximum usage in their highest cost billing period rather than just remove the metric conversion factor from each bill individually. Basically they have added £239.75 to the bill without any good reason.


    Please see my other post for full story and to offer advice. Thank you!

  2. My recent post on this site brought much joy to our house.


    We had a gas bill of over £4000 for one year - I discovered through this site that we had been incorrectly charged as British Gas had decided that we had an imperial meter as opposed to a metric one (and therefore multipied our meter readings by 2.83 - the metric conversion factor).


    Having a maths A level under my belt I decided to recalculate our bill starting from when we first bought the property (Jan 08). Fairly simple maths - just removing the 2.83 multiple in the gas units to kilowatt hours calculation and then readjusting the VAT. We owe them exactly £668.52. A lot - but better than the £3413.73 they claimed we were in debit (we had already paid £701 during this period).


    Despite many protestations they eventually conceded that we did indeed have a metric meter. Hurrah we thought.


    Not so.


    "Computer says no"

    Apparently they are unable to make retrospective changes to their systems for anything over a year old. Our metric meter was fitted in July '07. Therefore they had to falsely "install" a new meter in June '08. Apparently this means that they now needed to change all of our estimates which now means that our highest usage happens to fall within their highest billing structure.

    • 182 days at 1.9 units/day (6.151p + 2.58p)
    • 204 days at 12 units/day (7.203p + 3.632p)
    • 90 days at 10.6 units/day (6.863p + 3.292p)
    • 3 days at 3.67 units/day (6.863p + 3.292p)

    The british gas advisor I spoke to had initially said we would receive a "good will" payment to recognise how much they had messed up. hmmmmm..... no sign of good will here.


    I have printed out the original bills - can they really get away with this???

  3. We moved into our home nearly a year ago after spending £25K on installing a new top range boiler, hot water tank (Megaflow high efficiency), new plumbing throughout etc. Also added additional insulation to roof space and foam backed plasterboard to top floor. Since we are "green" minded we have had our heating off entirely since March and keep warm with jumpers and an open fire in the lounge.

    I called British gas after submitting my reading and receiving their bill and have checked to see if the meter runs when everything off (it doesn't) and am now taking daily readings and tracking our usage. We have used over 13 units of gas in just 3 days - no heating, just hot water for 2 showers, some washing up and cooking 3 simple meals. By my calculations that will cost us £25. Can this possibly be right?

    Am I aware that meters only very rarely go wrong (although ours was installed 2 years ago and no-one lived here before us). Can there be another explaination?

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