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Posts posted by badwan

  1. Apologies, of course you're right on all points. I accept that I was very lucky, but I though that any chance (no matter how small) was worth taking when it came to try and not get a criminal record.


    An agreed settlement+my solicitors invoice is indeed quite a large sum, and one which has put a dent in my finances. However I'd rather have that than get a criminal record for such a petty, stupid moment of judgement.

  2. I regret that it is not possible to say how long this will take other to advise that the rail company must lay the information with the Court office within 6 months of the incident


    If they fail to do so the case cannot be heard in a Magistrates Court although in some cases they could at least theoretically go for a civil debt process in a County Court that can be heard up to two years after the incident. In my experience that is a very rare occurrence and almost all cases go before a Magistrates court


    All of that means that it can take as much as 8 months from date of 'offence' to date of Magistrates Court hearing, but in practice it is usually much quicker than that


    I'd say that 3 to 4 months is not uncommon.



    Just an update.


    I consulted my solicitor on this, once I'd received the summons. She sent them a letter explaining the fact that I hadn't done it before, was co-operative and was very sorry, and now they've agreed to drop all charges. So I have to pay £127.40 fine, and that's it, no criminal record, no trial.

  3. Many thanks for all the advice, I guess I'll have to see what turns up. From reading the other case you linked me to, as it's an open and shut case in terms of, they may ask for my version of events, I then simply plead guilty by letter, they send me a fine, I pay, etc?


    Furthermore, can anyone offer advice on how/how long I will need to declare the fare evasion as part of a criminal record. I don't know how it works at all so some advice would be very helpful,


    Many thanks

  4. I am still awaiting contact from Southeastern rail when I had to rush home urgently (didn't buy a ticket) and was caught. As I'm in a similar sort of situation to the gentleman above I wondered if anyone could help me out. I was given a witness statement, I had no means to pay a fine or pay for a ticket. What should I expect? Although a large fine would be quite damaging, it avoids hassle. However the inspector who practially pushed me around because he didn't believe I was who I said I was (despite me showing him proof of address and NI number through my payslip) said very threateningly "you're going to court mate" . So yes, very worried and wondered if there is anything I can do in the mean time, i.e. be proactive about finding out what will happen next. The incident happened on 12th May and I haven't heard anything from them. Please could you help me regarding this as I already posted a thread about 3 weeks ago to no reply.

  5. Hi,


    To start off, this thread isn't a "this is an outrage, how can they do this" rant. It's more a "what can I expect" as I don't really have a leg to stand on regarding what happened.


    Today I was cautioned for not buying a ticket. I didn't have any means of paying money on me, so I'm not aware that if I had, I could've paid off the revenue collector as it were. I've been given an MG11 Witness statement, and was told very aggressively, "you're going to court mate" by the collector. I understand that I am completely in the wrong, but everything about this guy, was well, utterly horrible. He called a police officer when I couldnt show ID to prove I was who I was saying I was, (I didn't have any photo ID, but I showed him an extensive pay slip i had in my bag, NI number, payroll number, address, phone number, etc, as well as my photocard for work confirming my employer and job title).


    Before I continue I'd like to re-emphasise the fact that I'm not seeking any sympathy, or any get out strategies for that matter. What I am worried about is the consequences. I go on holiday for 3 weeks in a weeks time. This worries me because of the possibility of letters being sent to me during this time, and possibly a 14 day replying period.


    Annoyingly, I've only ever fare evaded once before, in 2007, and was fined 20 pounds for this. It seems sods law that one's friends are at it all the time, and the one or 2 times i do it, I get caught. Again, it has no relevence in this situation, and has nothing to do with my case, but I'd thought I'd mention it.


    Some help and clarification as to what I can expect would be deeply, deeply appreciated.

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