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Posts posted by bankkicker

  1. I have been approached by so many companies that purport to be able to 'write off' debts. If you care to read back over the forum, people who try (and say they suceed) in this endeavour, take months ,years and lots of work. Please don't be so naeive and say that 'well they can get paid if it's successful. work it out, offices staff phones wages etc etc for an unguaranteed return. Why would Any company want to get engaged in this without payment up front?. If they did they would not be arround to see the result would they? If you dispute this then you clearly need to stay employed and don't open a business. The whole point of all of this is that you've got to take the companies to the edge. Will you be prepared to go to court? Can you take the costs if you lose? What you will probably find is you are at an impasse with these companies. They can't enforce but won't write off. Will you take them to court to get it written off?The debt stays but they can't or won't enforce. So you wait out 6 years and they go away on their own. But please don't look for shining knights to come along and do it all for nothing. No I don't run a claims company I don't think that would be a good long term investment. I just loathe banks. :cool:

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