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Posts posted by tommyboy22

  1. found this draft statement i think i will use............................................I did not download and did not make available for upload your clients work “Two Worlds” via my Internet connection, nor did I authorise anyone else to do so.


    I deny any breach of the CDPA 1988 sections 16(1)(d) and 20 of the act.


    I have never possessed a copy of the work in any form, nor have I distributed it, or authorised anyone else to distribute it using my internet connection.


    Any proceedings that you may choose to take will be fully and vigorously defended, please inform your client that if they wish to pursue this matter, I will seek to recover all my costs to the maximum permitted by the Civil Procedure Rules.

  2. i cant wait for watchdog to get their teeth back into this topic....its obvious davenport lyons are behind it again, must have made a few quid first time round i guess and threatening people and scaring them is even low for these maggots....dont pay a penny if you do you will get targeted next time..oh yes there will be a next time..1000 x £665.00 equals £665,000.00 think about it...how can anyone who calls themselves a legal firm think that a minor can sign a document like that and as if your gonna supply your credit card details or bank transfer and put it in the post..this firm is nothing but a pair of clown shoes....

  3. i think the best course of action is a very brief letter of denial as i have said before i know i didnt download this game ive checked my pc to confirm what i already know so why did i get the letter ..thats the worrying thing..the letter i received is unbelievably amatuer i mean you cant dictate how much compensation is due also having a section for a minor to sign too, this is a moneymaking scheme and it will be crushed of that im sure....

  4. i totally agree , but i dont give a toss about probability there still must be some kind of hard evidence and if the case of the 70 year old couple being accused of downloading gay german porn what are the probability of that happening ? these letters are just to scare people into paying the first wave of hard cash... far too many loopholes for me , just gunna write a short letter to these **** to deny the ridiculus charge and see what happens...i couldnt give a sh*t what they threaten no sane jude in his right mind will try this...just scare tactics....dont pay a penny if you do they will hunt you down again..no one person who denied the davenport lyons letters ever got to court..these are not court letters like they want you to believe...****......

  5. i think its just random selection hoping people will panic into paying this so called compensation , dont get me wrong i think there will be quite a few people who will pay up, there are many people out there with un secured wireless networks which is in itself not illegal the same with anti virus installed on their pc , and while this is the case there will always be very resonable doubt , do you think that acs law will pay for an indipendant expert to visit your home to scrutinize your hard drive? also what if your have recently replaced your hdd because it had failed there will be no trace of any of this so called game there anyway, i think we need to find out if our details were given to these vultures without our knowledge and then cancel out internet providers service immediatly.. it also says on my letter that my isp was cable internet ltd and not virginmedia, also do your think its also legal for a minor to sign a declaration not to do it again? all i say is dont pay a penny to them just send a very brief letter of denial then call your isp to ask did they give any details out if they did cancel their service immediatly..if you pay not only will you be admitting your guilt but more importantly you will be targeted again if this legal [problem] is financially successful it will not end at there, i also believe the majority of people didnt download this game but have other downloads on their pc which they dont want discovering and thats why i think they will pay, this is intimidation of a sickining kind....maybe an ex-employee gave out details that virginmedia are aware of and dont want to expose it? or it could be an ex-emplyee of this lyons solicitors...something stinks and i hope watchdog investigate again.....

  6. i know for a fact that i didnt download this game as i dont play computer games of any kind so i am 100% sure there is no trace of the game in question on my pc but what concerns me that they seem to be randomly sending these threatening letters to mainly virginmedia users hoping to scare people who may have other psp downloads on their pc into paying the so called compensation of which the majority of it will go to these so called solicitors..i strongly believe they just want the first round of payments if you think about it 10,000 letters sent 10% of people paying up = £665,000.00 not bad for a weeks work.. i wont pay a penny.. i hope watchdog runs this legit [problem] investigation again..this whole episode is despicable must be a slow year for fraudulent accident claims.....

  7. i think what they are hoping for is to get as many initial payers to cough up out of sheer fright and panic enough to sit comfortably on their thrones counting the cash and not really go through a drawn out legal process in which in the end will result it being laughed out of court, it believe its hard to prove you didnt download this crap software but far harder and incredibly expensive to them to prove you did....

  8. exactly...this whole matter stinks can you explain why there is no action being taken by the big corporations??? just some pokey little firm of east europeans, they are all in it together to rip decent people off financially and frighten them in paying for something they may or more likely didnt do, as im pretty sure couples in their 70s wont be downloading gay german porn let alone know how to file share anyway....

  9. agreed .. can you then tell me we are not being sued by much bigger fish ie sony, warner paramount and the like but a small east european based pc software designer? because the huge corporations know as the law stands not even with their financial clout and very expensive lawyers that it is impossible to convict without 100% difinitve proof , there is too much resonalbe doubt , your pc needs to have its hard drive analyzed and evidence found there in and even then prove it was you using it at that time..too much room for error ... also in my case my isp was virginmedia and not cable internet limited as listed in my letter...

  10. who do you think will foot the bill to pay for experts to visited your home to analyze your pc for evidence of copyright infringement to claim 600 quid or so , i believe that this will not even reach court for it to have to chance to be laughed out... just scare tactics but i am afraid that people wil pay up because they believe that every page they have visited or every mp3 they have downloaded will be open to view....for an individual to be linked solely with an isp address over a period of time is impossible to prove without resonable doubt, you may have not secured your home wireless network correctly , i would love to see the size of the courtroom needed to bring everyone to justice, maybe they will book an aircraft hanger.....

  11. then why is there so mush mystery surrounding this law firm...different phone numbers , incorrect email address's , not being able to contact andrew crossley personally , domain registrations , i know i didnt download this game and theres no chance of it being on my pc if i wanted to play it i would have paid the twenty quid and bought it, maybe the game was so rubbish that the makers are trying to scrape some monies back to recoup losses.. also only courts can determine what amount of compensation is forthcomming not acs law....maybe i will send a letter of denial , will monitor what the majority of other people will do as i believe theres a lot of milage left in this one...

  12. i too received on of these comedy letters , at first i was shocked like everyone else but later on under more scrutiny things just didn't add up firstly im 41 years of age and i ve never even played a computer game let alone downloaded one and one that apparently is rubbish anyway , the date of the offence feb 2008 is so long ago that could anyone remember that day anyway, the isp provider was named as cable internet ltd , instead of virginmedia , asc: law website looks very backstreet solocitors , no letters of qualifications after andrews name either, no-one can seem to get in touch with him via telephone bringing on the remainder of this 21 day period of payment which will panic the wavering payer into action , the back of the letter asking people to submit details of payment ie credit card details and to insert a bank transfer request i think would never be asked by a legitimate law firm..i do belive that this is a [problem] and not a good one at that but i do belive there will be people paying up too because they cant remember if they did download the game or if their children did . i hope as many pepole as possible visit their offices and voice their outrage...also i though that the first line of action for download violation was a stiff letter from their own genuine isp?

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