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Posts posted by junior.252

  1. Hiya, well he has checked his credit report and the judgement is on his file, so wouldnt that mean he has it too?


    Of course i will get a copy of the judgement.


    Ok just say for example, i used him as a gurantor without his permission, and i signed the forms and put down a signature. He wasnt aware of this at all, and i gained copies of his bill and driving license. There had to be a witness too, for example i forged the witness's signature also without him knowing he was going to be a witness for the gurantor.


    What would happen to me if i told the people i owe the money to, that he wasnt aware he was going to be a gurantor and i forged his signature, what would happen to me in terms of legally and financially as well as my credit file?

  2. Hi all,


    Just recently received my credit report and i have a joint county court judgement and needed more information.


    I was living in student halls for a year and kept up all payments until the last one which was for £1400, i couldnt pay this and over time i was sent a count court letter which i filled in, i got a reply and my offer of monthly repayments was accepted. I am currently making the payments.


    I had an gurantor on my student application. Now he has tried to apply for a credit card but he was refused, he got a copy of his credit report and he is showing the county court judgement too. Why has he got the judgement too?


    Is there anyway i can get the judgement off his name?

  3. Ok just say for example i send of the SAR request and they produce me with an actual copy of the default notice, what can i do?


    If they dont provide me with a copy and adimit they didnt send one out, but i still do owe the money, what do you think they will do?


    Im pretty sure they didnt send any notice, so should i wait until i have all the money to pay it all of, or should i offer to make repayments if they dont have a valid default notice?

  4. I have been reading around and im no expert but i think in order to put a default on your file they have to inform you by letter that if you dont pay within a certain time you will be defaulted, is this right?


    Im in no position to pay the full debt off, the total is £1300 and i have about £500 to pay them in a lump sum to clear some of it off.


    There must be a way of getting the default off, maybe if i explained my personal problems and that was the reason why i stopped making the payments, but my problems are sorted out now im in a position now to start making payments and here is a lump sum of 500 to show im commited. What do you guys think?


    Man never had any missed payments, always paid everything on time well before the due dates, and this one default has just messed up my credit file i cant get nothing, not even a job after a graduate, a credit check and good credit history is needed in my field.

  5. Hi all,


    I have a default on my account which im hoping someone can help me out on. I apologise if information is avialable on this but i have checked and cant find anything.


    I have a default on my account which was put on my credit file in december 2008 by the co-op bank, my credit file is clean apart from this default which is affecting me badly. I had an student account with co op and an overdraft which i used all up. Now co op closed my account due to no payments being made into the account and i only had the account for a year. My account was immediately passed on to a debt collection agency called phoenix who contacted me to discuss paying of the debt.


    Now i originally set up a monthly payment plan with phoenix to pay of the debt off, which i did do for a few months until i ran out of money. It was a really stressful time for me doing my resits and waiting for the results. Its been 7 months since i last made a payment and i checked my credit file and a default has been placed on my file in december 2008, with the debt still unpaid.


    Within those 7 months i have not heard from phoenix at all, and from what i can remember i did not recieve any letters stating i would get an default notice put on my account. Im not sure if they have to put in writing before they can issue a default so if anyone knows please tell me


    If i contacted phoenix debt collection or co-op bank and made a lump sum for all the payments i missed and agreed to carry on making payments, do you think they would remove the default from my credit file?


    Or should i try to ask for the copy of the original default notice they should have sent me?


    Any help or advise on this would be greatly appreciated.

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