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Posts posted by Ibsys

  1. and the call us 'conspiracy theorists' ?



    thanks for the heads up about HMRC, I am not with barclays, but........ working tax credit are after me, because concentrix put a 'note' on my file, to say I was living with someone ? I'm not - they just made it up ! is that criminal fraud?


    I know there has been a lot of trouble with Concentrix. My daughter had a demand back for tax credits and she got out of it, never paid it back. I think there was a rule about if it was their mistake it made a difference but I don't know exactly what it was.


    I make it a rule not to deal with third parties nor pass their "security" as I have no contract with them (contract law). beyond that I don't know the answer. In a dispute I always ask for full accounting and terms and conditions, what laws are they using. Do everything in writing. I sign everything "without prejudice" and write that partially overlapping the signature. That means you can't be held liable for anything said if they don't fully disclose everything. Put the onus of proof on them. HMRC books are in such a mess they don't know what they are doing and they find it difficult when you don't speak to third parties.

  2. Interesting, thanks for that, I had missed it :) A quick search " uk bank bail in law " produced this,






    One bit jumped out, " This is an admission by the British government that the £85,000 deposit guarantee scheme is flawed and that the British depositors protection promise is simply a sound bite and not financially supported. "



    Time to go back to a cash society ?


    Talking about cash, try "abolition of cash" on Google. Money Week "The Indian government has removed from currency 1000 and 500 Rupee notes and put a limit on ATMs of 2000 Rupees


    Chase Manhatten, in half of their branches they neither accept or pay out cash and car loans, credit card bills and mortgages cannot be paid in cash,


    David Cameron has told Police that if anyone is carrying over £1000 they demand to know where the cash has come from and if it cannot be verified they will confiscate it (Professional Builder)


    Bank Of England hasn't printed any £50 since 2015


    In France and Spain it is illegal to pay a bill in cash over 1000 Euro's or there is a fine of 25% and 40% (respectively) of the value of the bill. (Guardian of Telegraph)


    I have had a letter from Barclay's that if I owe the HMRC or any other authority then they can demand Barclays take it from the account. What I do owe the HMRC and what they think I owe are two different things! People really do need to take notice of what is going on.

  3. It is current government policy to see an increase in personal/household debt. George Osborne when he was chancellor factored in a large increase in debts and banks were encouraged to loan more money. Philip Hammond has continued this policy. This is why the UK is doing better than other economies. Consumer spending on credit proping up retail sector. Credit card debts are at record high.


    If there is another financial shock, UK banks will be in trouble again and will need another bail out.


    To save bank "bail outs" and save taxpayers money there has been devised "bail ins". There has been a law passed both sides of the Atlantic where if banks get into trouble they can bail themselves out using depositors funds. When people put their money into the banks it gets put on a loan ledger where the bank has "borrowed" your money so when in trouble you become a creditor just like in a bankruptcy and the "loan" (your cash) would not be paid back.

  4. My son moved back home so my wife phoned Dial-A-TV to purchase a TV on a rent-to-own basis. Dial-a-TV were asked by her "will I own the TV after the installments?..Answer "Yes, after 18 months." "How much will the TV cost per month?" Answer " £30.48" So to confirm the "TV will cost £30.48 for 18 months as a rental then after the 18 months I will own the TV" and they said "Yes". The agreement came in the form of the Consumer Credit Act 1974. She signed it and returned it. I only saw it when the problems started!


    She was telephoned by Dial-A-TV to see if she wanted an upgrade to which she said "NO, and when is the last payment?" and the reply was "August (2016). " 18 payments. This flagged up something to me so I asked her to cancel the final payment on direct debit and that I would pay the final payment by cheque and written in it "FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT FOR GOODS RECEIVED) which I scanned and filed. It was only after the DD was cancelled that Dial-a-TV wrote to say the direct debit had been cancelled and that there were another 39 payments of £35 to be paid for rental.


    I phoned Dial-a-TV and was met by a tirade of abuse so I hung up and re-dialed and got put through to a manager. Unfortunately a firm like this prey on those who have to use firms like this and don't know their rights! I had said to their manager that their operative had called about a TV upgrade and the question had been asked about final payment. The manager said " the operative would say (in this case August) but that was the minimum term was 18 months so there were 39 further payments owing"


    Lets look at this: if the question was asked "when is the final payment?" and the answer was "August" then a reasonable person would believe it to be "August) So the Law of Contract is based around what a reasonable interpretation is so anything else meant but not said is NON-DISCLOSURE. On the agreement there was no mention of "39 months payments @ £35" NON-DISCLOSURE. The agreement did not say anything of the further 39 payments or the total amount payable. This suggests it is regulated by the Consumer Credit Act 1974 s79 (a rolling contract like credit cards) until you read the total amount of payments are 999 months. But no, having a total amount of periodic payments @ £30.48 shows it comes under s78 in which case those 999 payments should be calculated to a format showing 999 payments of £35? or £30.48?, the total payable under the agreement and the interest charged. Incidentally if all the payments were made the TV would cost £31000+!


    The agreement fails to be enforceable under the Consumer credit Act 1974 because the information is not on the agreement as required (S60 Prescribed terms) If Dial-a-TV try to enforce the agreement under s64, and goes to Court, s127 precludes a court from enforcing the agreement. So where does the cheque come in with the words FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT FOR GOOD RECEIVED? The payee, Dial-a-TV has about 7 days from cashing the cheque (unclear in law as to the time) to state they accept the payment but refute the cheque being FULL AND FINAL SETTLEMENT. They have to object to the statement on the cheque quickly or they have tacitly accepted it as FINAL. obviously if Dial-a-TV try to pursue the payment or return of the TV by specialist debt collector then there is always the CCA 1974 s70 (misrepresentation) which states where there is misrepresentation then all payments shall be refunded and the goods (TV) returned. See what happens next. On their next contact they will have the full, legal and lawful response!

  5. What sort of increase in fees will/may be added to the N316 form? (To force a debtor other to attend Court) See here >> http://justclaim.co.uk/court-forms/N316-debtor-questioning.html



    N316 Application for order that debtor attend court for questioning


    Form N316 is used by the claimant, once they have won judgment, to bring the defendant to court for questioning. This used to be know as a 'Request for an Oral Examination'. The new title is less ambiguous but rather longer. This can be useful in trying to establish whether the defendant has the means to pay.

    More details on how to fill in this form can be found in our guide.



    Some very interesting remarks from a search here >> https://www.google.co.uk/#q=Court+fees+due+for+increase+in+fees&cr=countryUK%7CcountryGB&tbs=ctr:countryUK%7CcountryGB,qdr:m

    re: these increases, see what the Barristers are saying...


    I was sent a Summons to Appear once. In August 2012 I went into hospital for major surgery and when I got home, I opened a Solicitors letter accusing me of ignoring their previous letter which they had also had sent whilst I was in hospital. They wanted me to go to Birmingham High court to be "financially examined". I got the court papers and I told them I was not going due to illness. I told the court by phone as I couldn't write at the time, (pens don't work upside down!) For months I was travelling by ambulance as a stretcher patient, couldn't sit down, couldn't stand long periods, walked with a frame and had nurse visits daily and slept on the living room floor so the solicitor said the judge would "do something about me, I would be in contempt". OK-whatever!


    I could not travel 130 miles so the solicitor went to court and won judgement but she used fraudulent figures to win her case. (£12000) I can prove this fraudulent activity but was off sick until 2014 but still couldn't travel this distance until 2015.


    They have never enforced this. I complained to the court much later on,I was given contact numbers for about seven organisations and every organisation passed me to someone else. I have been wronged but I shouldn't be asked to foot the bill to put it right. We are talking perjury, fraud, defamation, derogatory treatment and the judge has gone along with it and clammed up. Disgraceful!

  6. Tax is voluntary. Can someone actually name the law that applies to the tax on labour?


    Although the establishment would never hear such a case.


    I went off sick in 2012 for two years and didn't get any benefits so I opted out of Income Tax. I haven't filled in a tax form for three years now and I put it in the Conditional Offer & Notice of Terms that I would not be liable to income tax, form filling or penalties. I will not be part of a scheme which takes my money when working then gives nothing back when off sick. It is a breach of contract and as there is no contractural consideration, therefore unenforceable. I paid into the system for 38 years.


    And no, there isn't a law which say a human being should pay tax!

  7. Interest capped at 0.8% a day.

    Default Charges £15 per month.





    On a point that Default Charges shall be no more than £15 from PayDay Lenders, what about Mortgages with Banks etc? Halifax used to charge £25 for a default against a mortgage and the account where the "failed transaction" came from could be charged up to £35.


    On the rule of a limit on the amount to be paid back shall be no more than borrowed, a 25 year mortgage will require more than 2 1/2 times borrowed.


    In conclusion, payday lenders have arisen because banks wil not lend small amounts to ordinary people and although the new regs on PayDay Lenders is good, banks are playing by different rules and they caused the problem in the first place.

  8. Barclays Bank has been fined £26m by UK regulators after one of its traders was discovered attempting to fix the price of gold.



    The trader, who has been sacked, exploited weaknesses in the system to profit at a customer's expense, the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) said.



    The incident occurred in June 2012, the day after the bank was fined a record £290m for attempting to rig Libor.



    Barclays said it "very much regrets the situation" that led to the fine.




    So trader gets sacked for gold price fixing. A family of bankers meet in London every morning for two things:


    1. To fix the price of gold

    2. Decide what the FED (Federal Reserve) is going to do next.


    Why does this family not get the sack? Because they are the Rothchilds, part owner of the Bank of England! Anyway, what it the difference between the man in Barclays, sacked and the Rothchilds?

  9. Thanks for the link Bazooka Boo, unfortunately im in Scotland and that says its only applicable in England and Wales. I wonder if there is a Scottish version - how do you guys know where to find all this stuff, i have no idea where to even begin except to copy and paste things i find on threads like this - I'd love to know what laws and acts etc would be of use to me?


    Thanks for the reply anyway :-)




    I had a similar issue with the tax office. The form was submited and I got a penalty (they lost it)


    Firstly i didn't appeal, I refused to pay and rejected it. Then when the man asked could I prove I sent it? so I replied "can you prove you haven't lost it" and generally asked one question in reply to his questions. They gave in!


    Anyway, firstly, something posted with the correct address is deemed to have a delivery date so you are absolved and further action.


    It is statute barred.


    Send a conditional offer:


    CONDITIONAL OFFER; I will pay what I lawfully owe on condition that you will send me proof that you didn't receive the required document. That the records you have do not have errors and/or omissions on them and this needs to be proven. I give you seven days to provide all proofs and all documentary evidence.


    Failure to provide all documents as required will invalidate your claim and you will forfeit any recourse through the courts and forfeit any further right to restitution in any form. That should you not comply within seven days I shall take it you have dishonored me.


    Note: he who dishonors, loses!

  10. Local authorities are aware that they are not allowed to use income from parking to "prop" up other departments and this is not being adhered to.


    Bailiff companies have themselves to blame entirely if Eric Pickles amends the law to stop councils using bailiffs and I have said very often on this forum that bailiffs are "milking the cash cow until it turns sour" and it is absolutely dreadful that they can attempt to charge up to £1,000 ( and in many cases much more) for a parking ticket with "face value" of just £40-70. Greed on an unprecedented scale.


    Everything to do with parking ticket enforcement went completely wrong when bailiffs had the idea of enforcing unpaid PCN's by way of ANPR vehicles.


    Instead of visiting the property to seek payment the bailiff instead merely drives around the streets of London (and superstore outlets) looking for the registration number of a car that had been driven by the keeper on the day on which a contravention had occurred !!


    In other words...the bailiff is NOT looking to collect payment from the person named on the warrant and instead....is looking to seize the vehicle involved in the contravention. How this can ever be deemed legal is simply beyond me !!


    It is totally illegal and unlawful. Quote "No Government official or Agent shall seize anyones property without lawful judgement and if he does, that property shall be returned forthwith" (Magna Carta) and "Promises of grants, fines or forfeitures of particular persons before conviction are illegal and void" (Bill of Rights) and lord Justice Laws in 2002 said these laws of special status cannot be repealed impliedly so still stand.

  11. Hi CitB,

    Didn't realise i sent SOS i only bumped it :noidea:.


    Account open in 1995 - Account appears to have been assigned to CQ.

    yes been sold to them recently

    There is a vague reference to a Default notice in one of the letters - did you ever receive a copy ?


    When was the last payment made to this account?

    August 2010

    From what I can see, you have received a copy of an Application form, which doesn't appear to contain any prescribed terms.

    i agree

    In respect of a CCA request you are entitled to receive..


    copy or (truthful and accurate ) reconstruction of the agreement

    Terms and conditions from both inception and current (or time of default) If there were any variations made to the T&C, then you should receive a copy of those as well.

    Statement of account showing default/penalty charges.never received anything like that.


    thankyou for your response aswell CitB,appreciate it.


    By looking at your pdf, which show only an Application Form, this does not constitute a Credit Agreement/Contract.


    What you have is all there is. Credit Card companies used to send out Application forms, process them and send the PIN No's and card and that was it!


    This amount is unenforceable because it was a credit application/card which started before April 2007. It has no "prescribed terms" required under Section 61 CCA 1974. Under Section 127 CCA1974, the alleged agreement cannot be enforced where an action/claim is brought to Court because a Court is precluded (barred) from enforcing the alleged amount due to non-compliance of Section 61.


    Prescribed terms are signatures by both parties entering into a credit agreement/contract. Terms about interest charges and variations and when the amounts become payable, what is owing and what interest is owed etc. Section 79 regulated credit cards but we ask for s77/78.

  12. Hi Caggers,

    Well after a quiet period this has raised its head.

    It appears Capquest have purchased this account.

    Now the funny thing is they tried to collect on this a couple of years ago and were sent packing and now they have sent the letter attached.

    Any thoughts on what to respond with as the letter appears on the face of it to be serious:lol:


    I had an identical letter from Capquest then I had a phone call. They ring and every time they want to get me to go through security to which I refuse as they are a third party. Their letter was responded to and I have copied it below:


    Please find my response to your letter of DATE AND REFERENCE


    I have no contract with your Company and do not wish to contract with you. I am not one of your customers. This e-mail does not imply contract.


    Should you need to contact me again I will need the following;


    A valid copy of a contract, signed by both parties and giving acceptance by both parties of a contract.


    Lawful terms and conditions which are not based on fraud.


    Validation of the contract with full accounting and full disclosure of all material facts.


    Prove a valid consideration of the contract.


    An invoice attached to the above in accordance with the Bills of exchange Act 1882 (as amended 1992) and proof of claim.


    Without you fulfilling all these requirements I cannot discuss the matter further. Neither shall I disclose any details to any of your telephone operatives over the that method of communication.




    I must reiterate the contents of my e-mail to you which was sent on September 19 2013. It means what it says and still stands. It would be remiss of me not to inform you that the alleged balance with Lloyds is in an unresolved dispute and they have broken OFT Guidelines by not only passing the balance/file to you but actually selling something to you which is defective.


    They may have misrepresented the full facts surrounding the matter which is unfair to your company and have not afforded you full disclosure which is a requirement of and contract.


    I would suggest you go to Lloyds and get your £500 back which you paid them for the alleged balance.


    As to me you are a third party I see no obligation to discuss anything which is not of your business and I advised this to your caller yesterday and now confirm that the dispute is between Lloyds and myself.


    Should you or your agents wish to contact me again, all the requirements of the e-mail of September 19 must be met.


    I have no contract with your Company and do not wish to contract with you. I am not one of your customers. This e-mail does not imply contract.



    Capquest are a third party (interloper) to you and they have no jurisdiction or contract with you

    unless you discuss the matter with them which then implies contract which you are not obliged to do.


    Capquest, like all other debt purchasers, buy the debt for 10p in the £ (10%) and aim to collect the full amount.


    In my case, Lloyds have tried to obtain £5000 and couldn't, they could not resolve the dispute so sold it for 10%.


    There are requirements of a contract which are ;


    Full disclosure........how much did they acquire your alleged debt for? List all material events of the contract so you can accept the information/ contact OR reject it.


    Consideration........Unless there is equal consideration the contract is unenforceable.

    Consideration means if you pay them what are they going to give you? If the answer is nothing then it is unenforceable


    Lawfully binding and signed by both parties........ do you consent to this contract with them so agree to pay this debt?

    NO as why would you enter into a contract when they are giving you nothing in return.


    Full accounting and validation....... Why do they think you owe this amount, can they prove it, did they bring anything of substance to the table beyond a bank credit/debit?


    The letter you have received just has different words on it so just reply as I have done.


    Using this tactic, I have a backed off solicitors who when reading my replies as posted, have dropped their cases and sent back their files to their clients unwilling to act further.

  13. Payday lenders regularly ‘lose’ cheques sent by customers to settle debts, forcing borrowers to pay even higher interest bills, Financial Mail has learnt.


    The tactic used by a number of payday loan firms aims to maximise profits by effectively locking in hard-pressed borrowers for extended periods.


    The ploy will heighten concerns over the sector, which entices desperate customers into taking loans with interest rates as high as 4,000 per cent.


    Paul Lynam, chief executive of Secure Trust Bank, whose Everyday Loans subsidiary frequently deals with customers seeking to consolidate loans to settle payday borrowings, said: ‘We will normally forward direct to the payday lender a cheque in settlement.


    ‘One thing that we find very surprising is the ability of some of these payday loan companies to regularly lose this settlement cheque, which has the effect of delaying settlement of the debt and incurring more very high interest rates for the trapped borrower.’


    His company is frequently forced to send settlement cheques by recorded delivery before the payday loan firm will cancel the outstanding debt.



    Watch out! The tax office lose forms sent so they can say they never had them so they then estimate tax owing and demand penalties.. It is a [problem] used to get more money just the same.

  14. Sorry, double post


    On another note, I have seen my bank manager to tell him I will be off sick for six months and there won't be any money coming into the business account and could he look after things, I have no DDs etc so not a problem. Two weeks ago and into OD by £2 1/2 k.the bank rung up to say they wanted £100 per month into the account or they would send out demands for immeditate repayment.The reply was this.. I have an agreement with the manager and would not change it. She pressed me to pay £100 into the account or else. I said if that was the case I would use contract law and Common Law demand three things; 1.A lawfully binding contract signed by both parties, 2. Validation of the debt with full accounting to prove the lending was not created from the Fractional Reserve System and 3. A consideration of the contract.She came back after her shock from asking advice to offer £20 and said she would confirm in a day or so. I said no and have not heard in two weeks.

  15. get the paperwork into court right away for set aside go to see CAB at oncejudge in clambers should never have come about with out them being there.


    What happened on the day is that NatWest's solicitors went into Chambers to have a private word with the judge before calling in my friends. The Judge was missing some papers and took papers from the NW solicitors, he nosed through the papers and said he had not read the case, refused to hear our opposing defence told our friends they had no evidence, would not look at papers already submitted and the term was used, at my advice, from our friend to the judge "ARE YOU TRYING TO RUSH TO JUDGEMENT, JUDGE, I WILL BRING YOU PROOF OF EVIDENCE AT THE APPEAL".The NatWest Solicitor said it had been to the FOS and this was repeated by the judge. In my statement to court, I had proved 3 fatal flaws in the FOS decision but the judge refused to read the statement and said "I was a nothing". The parties involved were worried until they found I am not a solicitor then abused their power.I have produced evidence from FSA MCOBS, Nat West have broken the law, the FOS is proffesionally negligent, the conveyancing solicitiors have not adhered to the law and have not provided a duty of care nor put right their legal obligations, I have read evidence and put a case from papers mounting to 10" thick but all falls on deaf ears. This term alone is strong wording and is on its own reason for an appeal as it is on record and states the judge is not hearing evidence so how can he make judgement? I had read this but during this year there was a big case in Northern Ireland where a case went to appeal because there was "a rush to judgement".Problem is only 21 days exist to eviction. My own opinion is that the mass of evidence had mounted so Nat West had to do something.

  16. Your local MP will have a surgery - Book an appointment and take along the data - when enough MP's start raising complaints something will get done


    My friends, who have a serious problem with NatWest went to our/their MP who refered the matter to Bar Pro Bono who, when the going got tough, they dropped the case like a brick, whence Nat West pulled a vicious stunt as the saw merit in the case and repossessed the house. The FOS refused to put right their serious flaws in the matter.

  17. http://www.thetimes.co.uk/tto/public/sitesearch.do?querystring=ombudsman+whistleblower&p=tto&pf=all&bl=on


    and was writen by Lauren Thompson - who should be congratulated for this piece





    Banks hold Ombudsman in Contempt


    Do you want to hear something disgusting? Here goes............... Nat West sent a mortgage offer to friends of ours which was received on a Friday, Bank changed over mortgage on Monday morning. They did not want mortgage which was £70k more than existing one so rejected it. Bank took no notice. Health insurance was voided due to pre existing condition. Ombudsman said bank had done nothing wrong. Bank has broken law, MCOBS and solicitors have not provided a duty of care. This caused financial difficulties due to health but not now insured for illness.


    They went to Court yesterday. Nat West solicitors went in to Judges chambers for a 10 minute private conversation, Judge then called our friends in court and refused to look at evidence and house was repossessed.(28 days) What a stitch up! One family ruined by a bank hungry for business. They have all proof and I have read every page. They can't get legal aid and can't afford a solicitor. I am prime witness but was described as "a nothing". Judge laughed when writing eviction order. I could not go due to operation/recovery since hospital.


    The Chief Ombudsman has found, in a recent case that the bank has done nothing wrong-nothing unusual there. I asked the Chief Ombudsman (Female) what evidence did she reply upon to reach her decision, what laws and regulations etc but no answer. I found two serious flaws in the decision, one surrounding a cooling off period but she failed to see that November 22 & 23 of 2008 was Saturday and Sunday where the bank and solicitor was closed. The funds for a mortgage was drawn down on Thursday Nov 20 before the mortgage offer was delivered, the mortgage was set for completion on Monday 24th and there was no business hours in which to refuse the offer. Ombudsmans was told of serious flaws but said case closed. I have now written to the Chairman of the FOS siting the Chief Ombudman as professionall negeligent.

  19. [EDIT]


    Everyone needs to watch the Ombudsman Service as much as they watch the banks.I was doing a case which had already gone to the FOS. I said we needed a Subject Access Request. The first tack was, when reminded of our request was "they never received the £10 payment" Another payment was sent then they wrang up to see why we wanted it and could they discuss it over the phone and what were we looking for.We said we wanted the information but was not prepared to discuss it over the phone. The then said they were going to make a decision within 2 weeks. We said we would reserve the right to reject any decision if we had not received the SAR and had time to study it and reply and would deem the decision to be tainted.The SAR came and within it was BOTH SAR payments, one of which they said they had not got.There were two serious flaws in the decision where they found in favor of the bank. One was they did not look at the calandar and the other was a matter of representation but this was due to improper assessment/ not reading the evidence.The other flaws being they did not consider laws or MCOB FSA regulations but admit they make a decision on probabilities. All I can say is "WATCH 'EM!"

  20. is there where filing a UCC1 would be bery useful?!!


    UCC1. Hard to find the print off form. (Uniform Commercial Code form 1 Financing Statement) and Addenda 3 for your possessions. Ask anyone where their birth certificate is and they will say its in the house and the record of it is at Sommerset House. WRONG, it is held with the Treasury as surety for the country's debt and the banks have filled in a UCC1 to claim your strawman. This allows the Government to borrow up to £450,000 on the surety of your birth certificate which is an acknowlegement of your existance and it is why Income Tax was invented and what makes the bonds issued by Government good but a bond is not money, it is a "promise to pay later".

  21. There has not been one mention of health risks. There is evidence that there is a higher than usual incidence of headaches and serious illnesses for people who live within 30' of a smart meter. That is, obviously anyone in your house and if you live in a semi detached house, your neigbor as well. A Proffessor has studied it and presents the facts on youtube, English Professor as I remember. It would need searching though.

  22. Thanks guys. I feel empowered to deal with them now.


    When I wrote to them I said that they must only communicate in writing, so this is the best option in my opinion.


    Rebel. They're calling on 0845 1460185. I haven't tried to call it back.


    If they call anymore over the weekend, I will be sure to report them to the Police I think.


    Iqor called me. Their number is 01772 220504. They asked me to verify who I was and I said I just have ( I told him my common Law name). I said I need you to verify who you are and he said he just did but said I need to verify who I am for data protection. I said because of Data Protection, I can't speak to you. He said Lloyds don't want to talk to me so I said I want to speak to Lloyds when they talk sense.

  23. Ive just been on their website now and found this


    "There are, however, certain complaints that cannot be dealt with by the association. These include where:


    They include an allegation of violence, or other criminal act – any allegation of violence, or other criminal act, must be referred to the police for investigation".



    I also replied to the letter from logbook loans telling them the statement was a joke, iand im far from happy with their outcome on the matter. and to see if we can come to some sort of arrangement on the £1300 i had to pay as i could not afford this sum of money.

    She replied 5 minutes later with:

    Dear Mr xxxxx,


    Thank you for your recent e-mail to us regarding your account.


    Your correspondence has been passed to the Professional Standards Department for a full investigation and response. We aim to respond to all formal complaints within 14 days of receipt. Should you have any queries about your account in the interim please direct them to the repossessions department on 0844 209 0052.



    Kind Regards



    Professional Standards Officer

    Log Book Loans


    Now this is no good to me as i only have 6 days left to get the car back.. and they know that!!!

    Im now thinking of cutting my losses and letting the car go, but i will fight till my last breath to make sure this thug gets what he deserves.


    Demanding money with menaces, unlawfull. Look at the links to law and the inserted information..............................The harrassment Act 1997.................................http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1997/40/section/1...............................ANDhttp://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1997/40/section/4..................................Section 4Putting people in fear of violence.(1)A person whose course of conduct causes another to fear, on at least two occasions, that violence will be used against him is guilty of an offence if he knows or ought to know that his course of conduct will cause the other so to fear on each of those occasions.(2)For the purposes of this section, the person whose course of conduct is in question ought to know that it will cause another to fear that violence will be used against him on any occasion if a reasonable person in possession of the same information would think the course of conduct would cause the other so to fear on that occasion.(3)It is a defence for a person charged with an offence under this section to show that—(a)his course of conduct was pursued for the purpose of preventing or detecting crime,(b)his course of conduct was pursued under any enactment or rule of law or to comply with any condition or requirement imposed by any person under any enactment, or©the pursuit of his course of conduct was reasonable for the protection of himself or another or for the protection of his or another’s property.(4)A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable—(a)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years, or a fine, or both, or(b)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months, or a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum, or both.(5)If on the trial on indictment of a person charged with an offence under this section the jury find him not guilty of the offence charged, they may find him guilty of an offence under section 2.(6)The Crown Court has the same powers and duties in relation to a person who is by virtue of subsection (5) convicted before it of an offence under section 2 as a magistrates’ court would have on convicting him of the offence.

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