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Posts posted by kinganne4

  1. We are all complaining and very unhappy about the way mbna are treating us.

    Why dont we all stick together and take proceedings against them.

    I paid them a cheque last month for two payments 1 of each account

    They took both payments off of one and are now saying i am in arears they have now passed me on to debt collector I think it is time we challenged them as a group we may get something done about them.

  2. No i dont make minimum payments always pay moor sometimes paid a lot more they just keep altering interest rates and they dont handle account well at all.

    Surley if there are this many dissatisfied people something can be done about these robbing companies.

    I do not need to go bankrupt as i can pay them i just think this is unlawful what they are doing/

  3. Hi everyone my first time here.

    You dont know how pleased i am to know i am not the only one having trouble with mbna.

    The problems i am having r driving me mad. I have to accounts with them and i owe more now than i did five year ago i have not used my credit card and although i had been paying everymonth they put my interest up more than once and they also passed me on to credit files and put my account on hold/

    I pay both accounts at the same time they have taken all money of K1 account then they keep harrasing me telling me i am in arrears with the other account.

    i am desperate now as i cant se any way out please can someone help me.


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