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Posts posted by jf1985

  1. Hi,


    Iam looking to get a mortgage with my girlfriend. We have just over 10k saved for a deposit and have a joint income of approx £50000 per year. We have never had a mortgage before and only issue we have at present is that I have default which I am hoping will be removed against my name. Its for £126 from a mobile which I am currently disputing.


    My question is would we be able to get a mortgage with this default against me? the worst case scenario is that this default isn't remove in which case will we have any chance of getting a decent mortgage if any? and are there any companies that are more sympathetic?


    Have any of you had similar experiences etc?


    thanks in advnace



  2. Hi,


    I know the post below is long but I am desperate for advice so if you have any please respond...:)


    I was with o2 for 3 or 4 years never had a problem but the summer of 07 I got ill on holiday and had to have an operation etc, when I returned having not been paid for a while several of my direct debits had been missed which I promptly rectified. Having been abroad for a while my bill was higher than normal, 200 odd quid.


    I rang up o2 to explain and to make a payment on the 15th oct 07. I was told that my contract would be terminated if I didnt pay, as I had two mobile contracts anyway I asked how much it would cost to end it early and I was qouted what I owed plus £170 approx - I agreed but stated I would have to pay in installments.


    I rang back and made the first payment (first of 3 agreed payments) and was told that it had gone through.


    Strangely about a week later I had a letter from Wescott debt company I questioned this with o2 and they said that I was to make payments direct to Wescott, which I did for the two following months and I recieved a letter sayign that the "debt" was clear.


    I thought nothing more of this untill about 8 months ago when I went to renew my car finance but couldn't. I was confused and checked my credit fiel to find a default on my file for £126 (1 of the 3 payments to o2).


    I immidiately rang o2 and they said that wescott must have made a mistake. I rang wescott who informed me that they do not deal with defaults etc and that as far as they were concerned I had paid what they had been instructed to collect in which case I rang o2 again.


    On calling o2 and speaking to several of unusefull staff I found that the first paymetn I made despite being told it had gone through it hadn't, this was no fault of my own, my acoutn was and alway is in credit, they had not put it through - i have been told several excuses for why this happened but none seem plausable.


    I asked what happens next and I was told I had two options, o2 would wipe the debt adn mark my account satisfied or I could pay and have it removed. Obviously I paid but not before I got the person to check this with her manager and send me an email outlining this. I paid.


    2 weeks later my credit file was ammended to satisfied so I rang up to ask what was going on. Apparently the person I spoke to and her manager were mis informed.


    My question should I appeal? and how? I asked to end the contract early, o2 didn't terminate because they recieved no payments from me.


    My account should have gone into default status at 19-12-07 I had to the best of my knowledge paid all 3 installments by then but in any case as I had agreed to pay it well before then and they had recieved a payment it seems strange they would do this anyway. I just think im covered form several angles but is that just me being stupid?


    I have querried this with o2 several times and I just get the same generic email saying that my credit file is correct. I have a record of all emails to and from o2.


    I hope to get a mortgage with my girlfriend in the coming months so need this resolving. I presume I wont get a mortgage with a default?


    Any advice on if I have a case etc and what to do is much appreciated.

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