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Posts posted by andi02

  1. Thanks for the replies so far guys but I feel I must give more details, this is difficult without making it obvious what or who I'm talking about. Suffice to say that the break period was only 16:09 till 16:22. The request was made at 16:15 with only 7 mins left of the break anyway, which I had put aside to finish my coffee and to go to the toilet. I would then be expected to work until 20:00 with no toilet or refreshment facilities available. I work outdoors not in an office so these things are very important considerations.


    In addition, I can't go into details, but I was being expected to then do something which flew in the face of the normal industry standard and could have got both me and the company in to trouble. All this was explained at the fact finding interview but seemed to cut no ice.


    All breaks, no matter how small are unpaid; I didn't even have to be in the vicinity at that time therefore I can't understand why this is being perused.

  2. I was reported recently by a supervisor for 'failing to carry out a reasonable request'. I attended a 'Fact Finding Interview' and pointed out to the interviewer that this request was in fact given to me in the middle of my allotted break period. In addition, the nature of the request was not conducive with normal working practices; therefore not reasonable. I pointed out that under the provisions of the Working Time Directive 1998, which protects to all workers from day one, that it was illegal to dismiss an employee for insisting they use their allotted break periods. The interviewer took notes of all these facts and informally agreed that I was correct and there was no case to answer. I also suggested that the email that the supervisor had circulated to senior management was an example of victimisation as he made it quite clear that I should be dispatched to other duties and not treated the same as others doing a similar job, as he didn't feel I worked in the best interests of the company because of not surrendering my break. By the supervisors own admission in the email he circulated, he gave his instruction to me at 16:15, my duty card clearly shows I'm on a break period at this time. Despite all this I was still given a letter of notification of a formal disciplinary interview, now scheduled for this Wednesday at 12:00.


    The company has also not booked me into my normal duties for this day but left it open showing no work before or after the interview.


    Advice is required here please because despite an initial acceptance that I've done nothing wrong and that any action taken against me may be outside of the law, they seem determined to push this through so as not to lose face. :-?

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