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Posts posted by sonia79

  1. Hi, i have had the same 3 letters from barclays just over a wk ago, before that they sent me a letter saying i they don't think i fit the financial criteria, so i got on the phone to them and asked them to look again considering i am 9 months behind with my council tax, behind with my rent and loans, i am constantly using my reserve which i am gettin charged £100 a month, this difficulty happened a yr and a half ago when me and my husband got made redundunt(we worked 4 same comp)i was on maternity leave, but he was out of wk 4 8months, then he has had a pay cut in dec 08, my claim is nearly 5k, but i think they r justin fobbin me off,they said that i should hear something within 5 days so i phoned bak after 5 days, now they r saying it will take upto 3 wks..

  2. Hi just a quick update with my claim, after speakin to barclays to tell them i have sent everyrhing in, she said they properbly wont do anything, so i phoned fos and they sent a letter to barclays a couple of days later askin them to have another look at my hardship claim,that was about weds last wk, i have been phoning barclays everyday since(properbly got really fed up with me)spoke to some really helpful people and some unhelpful one too, anyway fri the women i spoke said to me do u think there is anything u have forgot to but in i said i might of forgot to put my sons nursery fees in, and also my husband had a pay cut in dec, and in feb 07, me and my husband got made redundunt from the same company i was on maternity leave, but my husband was out of work for 8 months, so she put all this in,On top of that i said my washing machine has just packed up and i am takin my kids clothes to my mums to wash them, and cant afford to repair it,phoned them yeaterday they said they would get someone to call me no one did so i phoned again 2day and the women i spoke to said they have got all of my paper work now and letter off fos and have put me down as financial hardship, and wrote to me on 30th march, she said that she dont know what the letters says anyway she reckons i will get it 2morrow.and it could be an offer so hopefully it is..

  3. Hi does any one know what barclays Think is financial hardship! I sent my exspenditure form back to them the end of feb, i have been sent a letter on friday saying i'm not in financial hardship in there eyes,i am 6 months behind with my council tax, behind with a loan thats 7k and behind on most of my bills, i also have had bounced cheques(bills) comming out of my account since jan and constantly up to my limit,i dont work but my husband does and this is all i can think of as why they think i'm not, i have now photocopied my council tax bill and other threating debt letters and wrote a letter to barclays askin them to look at my case again, has anyone had this happen to them?:-x

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