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Posts posted by n4cop

  1. THE letter finally arrived! theyb may as well have said we think you did it!!!

    I write with reference to the theft of your Renault Megane and confirm that your full

    file has been reviewed. On 25 January 2009, you reported the theft of your motor vehicle to the Tele-claims Department. On 28 January 2009, my colleague, Martyn Hemingway, spoke with you to establish "the full circumstances surrounding the theft. During this conversation, the events ofthe loss were disclosed as follows:

    On 24 January 2009, your husband, Neil Copperwheat, drove your vehicle to the Old Red Lion, Houghton Regis. The vehicle was parked in the car park and you both entered the restaurant and had a meal together. You left the restaurant area at around 9:30pm and went into the bar area for the rest of the evening. You then received a phone call at approximately l lpm from Bedford Police and also your father. They advised you that your vehicle had been stolen and found.

    During the appointment, you confirmed that you were still in possession of both keys that were supplied with the vehicle and you have since sent these to us.

    Following the appointment, we arranged for the vehicle to be taken to one of our

    salvage agents. They have provided detailed images of the vehicle and they show that there is extensive fire damage to the interior and front end ofthe car.

    Following on from this conversation, my colleague made enquiries with Thatcham,

    who are the leading industry specialists in vehicle security. They made

    Mr Hemingway aware that they have no record of this type of vehicle being driven

    without the use of keys and commented this task would be highly improbable as the vehicle is fitted with a transponder immobiliser. They also confirmed that the vehicle is fitted with ultrasonic and microwave alarm sensors and this would cause the alarm to sound if they had not been deactivated first.

    Given both sets of keys are accounted for, and also considering the fire-related

    damage, we can state that the loss could not have occurred in the manner you have

    described. It is improbable that someone has gone to the great effort of towing the car away, only to set fire to it 2 miles away Taking into consideration the above information that has been provided to us, we are not in a position to proceed any further with this claim, as the circumstances provided

    to us are not consistent with the type of loss recorded. Moreover, our concerns over the circumstances are mirrored by our expert witnesses, referred to above. Whilst the circumstances of loss remain unproven, we are unable to consider your claim further. In not providing indemnity, you will resultantly be held liable for any recovery and storage costs incurred. As a result of the said claim, we have incurred an outlay to the sum of £331.75 for the recovery and storage of your vehicle. We therefore look to you for reimbursement of the same and, as such, await your full reimbursing cheque within the next 14 days. Also, if we do not hear from you within 14 days, we will make arrangements to dispose of your vehicle.

    Should you wish to discuss this matter further, please do not hesitate to contact the

    Claims Validation Department on the number stated below.

  2. Hi Gyzmo - any tips on content of letter? am still waiting for the letter from DL to confirm non-validation and what I can do next its been 9 days since they rang me to say the claim was not validated. they really are dragging their heels I've had a loan car for 7 weeks now of they are only paying for three, the third week only because I complained about the length of time it took them to send me the paperwork after the telephone interview!

  3. Hi my megane cabriolet 2006 55 plat 2.0 auto was stolen in january and found burn out by the police not far from where it was taken. I files the claim with Direct line and completed paperwork and sent them both keys and log book. After a lengthy wait they finally responded to me today to say that they would not validate the claim as the car coul dnot have been stolen without the key unless it had been towed, which was unlikely. They said I can pursue the claim but would have to provide them information as to how the vehiclecould have been stolen without the key - when I suggested that surely they should do this they simply said they had. I asked where could I get this information from and they suggested the police or from the internet. I feel absolutely gutted, it was not bad enough that my car has been taken and I am now having to pay for hire car but now I may not get any money for a replacement car unless I can come up with a case to prove the car was stolen without the key. I would appreciate any helpor advice anyone can give me. thanks

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