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Eager FTB

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Posts posted by Eager FTB

  1. Hi, I'm new to the forums hello all!


    I'm just asking if anyone has had any experience of the loss adjusters Cunningham Lindsay?


    My parents were unfortunate to have a house fire on the 2nd January which badly damaged their property. They are insured through Saga, which I understand is part of Norwich Union.


    Cunningham Lindsay were appointed as the loss adjusters for the claim and house restoration. It has to be said they are the worst and most unprofessional outfit we have ever had the misfortune to deal with.


    We are unable to speak to our alleged claims manager and loss adjuster as they never, ever answer phone calls and emails. They certainly never reply to messages or call us back. We have had instances of them putting the phone down on my parents. We have only seen the loss adjuster once in person! We never get updates as to what is happening regarding restoration, in fact is is very rare for them to call us at all.

    They left us marooned in a motel for in excess o 4 weeks with delays moving into rented property (due to a forgotten cheque) which had been arranged 2 weeks after the fire by ourselves.

    We are effectively our own claims managers, constantly calling the building contractors Asprea and sub contractors Ansa making arrangements for yet another 'inspection', and to find out when and if they are ever going to start work on the house.


    To this date nearly 9 weeks after the fire, not one stitch of work has been done to start to restore the house, which has been sat damaged through one of the coldest winters for a good few years.


    We really don't know where to go for advice on how to sort the mess out, we have a contact at the insurance company who trys to help, but once you put the phone down it seems we are forgotten about once again.:mad: We have lodged a complaint with the insurance company, but it doesn't seem to make any difference.

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