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Posts posted by noah472

  1. Wow! Thanks a lot for all your help, i rang the OFT helpline today as well and they confirmed that because we have both entered into a contract (me by paying and them by accepting the money) then it is covered by the sale of good acts which prevents the jewelers from raising the price.


    I went in to see them and they were very quick to say that they would honor the original agreement, they are also going to write me the insurance valuation that the ring comes with at the full price that it should be costing! A good result all round really.


    Thanks everyone for your reply's and sorry about posting twice (i couldnt find how to delete the other listing after i realised it was in the wrong place!)


    As the ring is being specially made we are both excited about it arriving in a few weeks!


    Thanks again!

  2. Hi there everyone, i'm sorry if this is in the wrong bit!!


    I bought a ring on Saturday for my fiance, it was quite expensive but i paid it in full. They didn't have it in stock and it has to be made as a special order. I got a call from them today saying that when they phoned to order the ring from the manufacturer the price has gone up by £300 but as a good will gesture they are only charging me £140. My question is are they allowed to change the price after it has been accepted by me and paid for?


    Any suggestions would be great thanks!!

  3. Hi there everyone, i'm sorry if this is in the wrong bit!!


    I bought a ring on Saturday for my fiance, it was quite expensive but i paid it in full. They didn't have it in stock and it has to be made as a special order. I got a call from them today saying that when they phoned to order the ring from the manufacturer the price has gone up by £300 but as a good will gesture they are only charging me £140. My question is are they allowed to change the price after it has been accepted by me and paid for?


    Any suggestions would be great thanks!!

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