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Posts posted by Postman

  1. when they refused we hit them with a CCJ,


    You took legal action! What a great idea. And you won! Even better. Did MH roll over as soon as they received the claim or did it go to court? Was the CCJ recorded? (ie they took more than 28 days to pay up). DJ, We really need more details on this, it could solve a lot of people's problems.

  2. You cannot re-start the clock on a debt by simply writing to the company. Especially if you state quite clearly, somewhere near the top of the letter, "I acknowledge no debt is owed to your company or your clients"


    And never ever entertain these clowns on the phone unless you want some fun.


    I called them a couple of months ago and wound them up something rotten. I asked them to confirm their address, telephone details and the name of the person I was dealing with. I refused to answer any questions until I was fully satisfied my security was not being comprimised.


    I insisted on getting her full name. I then asked if the call was being recorded. I was told it was not. How will this conversation be noted I asked. There was no reply. I followed that up by stating that I was recording the conversation and that a copy would be available to Mackenzie Hall on request. That wound her up! She said, loudly, "I cannot authorise that, switch it off, now"


    I refused and she went ballistic. Called me all sorts of names before hanging up.


    Now I realise she was just a worker and nowhere near the top of the tree in this sham of a company but they should be made aware that they are dealing with real people and lying, cheating and bullying is not a way to get money from those they write to.

  3. Your experience of Mackenzie Hall mirrors mine. I received a letter from them last summer. It was headed Statutory Demand which got my attention straight away until I realised it was a fake!


    I despatched the "send me proof" (S77/78) letter and waited. I'm still waiting! They have been reported to my local trading standards department, the trading standards dept for East Ayrshire Council (who are collecting complaints apparently) and the Office of Fair Trading.


    Despite this the armholes are still writing to me quite regularly. Last week they said they were unaware of any legitimate reason why the debt hadn't been paid. What? No proof = no debt in my view. A judge would probably agree with me. They offered to cut 40% off the debt but I had to move quickly. In fact the date had already passed. 40% of nothing owed is,erm, nothing.


    That letter threatened further action would follow if I didn't pay up. Couple of days ago got a card that demanded I contact them urgently. The card added that it wan't a circular or junk mail. Oh No?


    If I seem flippant its because I am treating this company with the least respect possible. I won't be intimidated by their letters and empty threats. You shouldn't be either. Just ignore them. File their letters carefully and when the 12-working day limit is up (about now isn't it) start preparing your complaint to the statutory authorities. When the calendar month is up post the complaints.

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