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Posts posted by pantone

  1. Good Morning, and thank you both so much for your prompt replies.


    I am currently on the phone to HMRC who have been so wonderfully helpful and concerned for me.

    The DWP officer stated that the person was using my name, address, DOB and NI.


    HMRC have told me it looks like an employer error and they are not using my name or address just the NI and same DOB.

    The HMRC officer has fixed everything and sent it for double checking to different departments and put notes on my casework. You were right Uncle and Borys thank you, and thanks for the SAR advice DX.


    When I asked DWP officer to advise me on what action I should take about identity theft he simply told me to call the police and that he didn't know - surely this is something they come across sometimes and should have better advice in place?


    The HMRC have said that when we have fixed this issue, it should sort the DWP issue, but I am expecting they will still want bank statements "to clear things up" - would this be true?

  2. Thanks for all your help Ethel. I want to sue because having lost that control, this spiralled into something quite stressfully epic, then the stress of having to take it to court, the phone calls I have had to make and paperwork, my child's feelings and the fact they have done nothing they said they would do and have ignored me since. That the information officer told me I'd given my permission and then ignored my lack of consent. 6 months later I am still locked out of this decision. It should have never happened.

  3. Who put in an SAR and erasure request? What information did they want erased?


    Father put in the request, during the last summer holidays. They wanted all the work we had done in our Childs portfolio over lockdown (it was an impressive portfolio) and any photos of film of him removing. The information officer said he gave the reasons ‘to safeguard his son’


    I have asked them to reverse the decision and restore the portal, they say they can’t  and I will need to take him to court ‘as they don’t get involved with parental disputes’ Ironic. They said that father told them I had given permission, but even when I told them I hadn’t (this was quite obvious) they carried on with the request.


    I have sent to letters, one for more information and another to chase up the increased information from the first reply which also stated that I was dissatisfied. I have a prepared letter of complaint but have not sent it yet. I have mainly be dealing with head of information at the academy head’qs.


    No one has said sue them but this is the third time they have undermined me in three years and its a big and has caused no amount of chaos.


    The school said that they would test the marketing cookies that Father complained about on a dummy account, they also said they would anonymise an account for our son to use. They also said they would arrange reward points for our son. (He has autism and numbers and competing are very important to him. The portal was very important to him to look at his work and picture of activities etc. It’s also left him feeling left out from his peers.) 


    The school hasn’t been in touch since or done anything they said they would do. Its just ‘take it to court’ - we are at court on the 1st and cafcass has already said it should be instated. One solicitor I spoke to said they couldn’t understand why they didn’t just change it back. We have been in court for 6 years for various things.


    I would just want a small money claims court and I would represent myself.

    I just don’t know the title in law of what I have experienced (is it misapplying law, indirect discrimination etc) or who to address it too. (just maybe the school address. 


    Fathers mental health has declined to a point where he has been cautioned, arrested again and what he’s done towards another public body to do with our sons medical treatment has seen the police get involved and possible a section on the cards.


    I have been in touch with the ICO also, who said that the school had no right to act upon fathers request for the reasons given.


    The amount of agencies I have been in touch with is  a huge list inc social services, lea, Idas, clock, no one seems to be able to help.


    I know the academy have done the wrong thing, they admitted as much but they won’t change it.


    Thanks very much for you advice - it’s most appreciated

  4. Hi Ethel Street, 

    Thanks for replying.


    It's an Academy School, my child is 7. Been separated 5 years (been controlling and coercive throughout). We both have PR, child lives with me and sees father for tea weekly and fortnightly weekends, half of all hols.


    We used a school portal like fb during lockdown and for school information, the school says using this portal is now their main communication to parents account also. This has now gone and permission for school photos and vids withdrawn. This is due to fathers conspiracy beliefs which is also the decline of his fathers mental health.


    Thank you



  5. Father used his parental responsibility to stop our child accessing anything online, photos and film. 


    I warned the school that his mental health was in decline and they received evidence of this themselves. The school did not consult me, said their hands were tied and went ahead with the SAR and erasure request, they insisted twice that they were right, then admitted they should have consulted me according to the children's act (i think),


    I believe this is a case of misapplying law to policy, but I also feel discriminated against but have not been. Despite this they still wont reverse the decision back and have told me to take it to court (which I am doing and fully expect it to be ordered back in use ).


    I have been effectively locked out of my sons education as the main caregiver for 6 months now and wish to sue.

    I do not know who to address it too though.


    Is it to the academy itself or the board,

    can you actually sue a school for this?


    Thanks in advance for any help..


    .it will be much appreciated

  6. Scatz - thanks so much for your prompt reply - much appreciated. I have just now called the council and my account is nil - I have asked for a letter confirming this (and also taped the conversation). Do you know anything about the court costs at all? Are they still in effect? I rang the courts who said that everything was with the council so I'm really at a loss as to where these monies stand. If you are as baffled as I could you suggest anywhere where I could go to find out?


    Thanks again


    *the bailiff has visited my property and posted letters. He has been 3 times further this week but i have never answered the door

  7. Hi there,


    Could anyone advise me please?


    I defaulted on Council Tax and it has ended in the hands of the bailiffs.


    Due to advice l have learned in these forums I paid my council tax owed in full to the council offices early this week. (where the two women got reallly flustered at the payment desk, and I heard one say to the other - 'I'm going to get it in the neck for this!', before passing me on to a superior)


    I now believe that the bailiffs have no enforceable rights (they are now only chasing their fees) - is this correct please?


    I have read in numerous posts that Bailiffs are only allowed to charge for the first 2 letters. I have never interacted with the bailiff until today when I phoned and asked for a breakdown of charges.


    The ensuing conversation has been recorded by me and went like this;


    Basically he said that when the debt was passed to them it was a certain amount which i have worked out was the council tax owed plus 42.50! (this is the letters fee right?). He says now that i owe him £155 for his attendance and for when he brings the van!(is this in the future?!) I asked for the breakdown and he replied that that was basically it. I said 'so this is a standard fee?' He replied yes and that there was a £60 for his next visit but he was going to waive this as he didn't know whether I had been on holiday or something??!


    Do I just owe the company the 2 standard letter fee of 42-50?

    What about court costs - where do I pay them/what happens with this?:

    I had an issue summons of £40 and liability order of £50 - are these within the 'standard fee' quoted by the bailiff?


    Can I pay the bailiffs by cheque for the two letters ?- which I would prefer to do and send it to their main office rather than face the bailiff.

    It says in print on his last letter he posted which was FINAL NOTICE -Cheques not accepted. I have until early next week to make a payment


    Thanks in advance for any gems of wisdom xx


    I await with great faith for a reply :wink:

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