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Posts posted by fletch86

  1. Thanks for your reply, I dont receive any benefits.


    I called my local benefits advice earlier and they said i might be entitled to employment and support benefit? He said it had replaced incapacity benefit.


    He told me that the rate was around £47per week, but when i explained it wouldnt be enough to cover my bills and rent he said I wouldnt be entitled to anything else, such as income support as i have no children and im not entitled to housing benefit because i live with family and friends.


    I really dont see my options, I dont not want to work im just not able to right now im burnt out! I just know that if I dont take the time to get help now i'll only get worse but it doesnt look like i have that option.

  2. Up until now I have been working full time since leaving education. I achieved quite well, 9 gcse's and 2 alevels.


    But I have always stuggled with my mood and depression and when my father passed away unexpedley less than a year ago its been a downward spiral.


    I left my job of over a year as my employer wasnt sypothetic to my time off!


    Since then i have been in and out of jobs and I feel that is down to my behaviour. My father was an alcholic but because he never admitted the problem he never got help, I didnt speak to him for the last 3e years of his life even though we lived in the same house. I cant come to terms with his death, I feel like i have had a breakdown and have tried getting advice but im getting no where.


    I couldnt go in work all last week and my doctors referred me to the mental health team and given me a sick note for 4 weeks, but where do i send this?


    Becuase i managed to maintain a life before this and other events which have contributed to my stress i have a car i pay monthly for and other bills, what am i going to do I dont go out i cant work at feeling this way.


    Anybody know what I should od?



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