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The Rookie

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Posts posted by The Rookie

  1. Friday 'I' (phone in my name, used by the wife) got an unsolicited premium text at a cost of £3.


    Shortcode used of 83023 'belongs' to 2ergo limited, however they claim its leased out to a 'the tone store' for whom they 'only' have a PO Box number address and an 0844 number (that isn't answered but goes to a bulk answering system). Interesting the above PO Box number is used by at least 5 other premium rate text providers - 250txt, webtxt, luv2txt, utxt and toptxt.


    Phone Pay Plus have raised an incident for me and are trying to get 'actual' contact details for the originator.


    Am prepared to go all the way with this if only to teach them a lesson, 2Ergo had a £40K fine only towards the end of last year, so I foresee another one coming if they don't smarten up a little, PP+ were not impressed by their 'not us guv' attitude!


    Any advice at this stage appreciated!


    If this goes to an MCO I will name 2ergo as co-respondant as they are traceable, this other company (whatever they are really called) are all too obvioulsy trying to hide! (anyone willing to bet they are owned by the owners of 2ergo ltd?)



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