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Posts posted by MasterSimit

  1. No, it's this one - http://mobile6.three.co.uk/sdf/3lhactive1.


    When I read it to them though they basically said I was lying, didn't receive a text and my friend sent it to me. They even told me to prove it and go into a Three store and show it them then they'd allow me to cancel - like I'm going to do that. I then just asked to speak to a manger but for the 5th time the call disconnected due to their rubbish reception. However, when I called back the advisor I spoke to was happy to help and within no time I was 30 days away from being free from Three.

  2. I cancelled my contract with Three today for this same very reason. It took me awhile after argueing my point, but they finally issued me my PAC code, waiving the cancellation fee.


    Whether you've used it or not, you were intending to and now cant. Plus in the link sent with the text it blatently says due to the change we are able to cancel without charge.


    I'd phone back and try again, bringing this to their attention.

  3. After reading a few threads on here it is to my understanding that mobile phone companies do not have to comply to the CCA Act. Thus I was wonder on what basis can I request to have my satisfied default with Hutchison Three removed? Or do I have no leg to stand on?


    There's abit more detail on my situation in my thread. Here's the link - http://www.consumeractiongroup.co.uk/forum/telecoms-mobile-fixed/184232-three-satisfied-default-removal.html

  4. Firstly I know there are loads of topics on defaults and removing them but I just wanted to document mine in the event of being successful with it. That way should anyone be in a similar position with three or a mobile phone company they can refer to it for help (aint I thoughtful lol).



    Right, so....


    Back in 2005 I had out two Three contracts both of which were maintained well for some time. However due to certain circumstances I was unable to keep up with the payments. As a result I was defaulted on one (£166) and was a month away from the second one going the same way. However, luckily I quickly got back my feet and paid the outstanding balances on both my accounts (had I been a month quicker I would have caught the first account before the default stage). On settling the defaulted account I was also informed that the default would be removed, although this has not been the case as it just appears ‘satisfied’ on my credit file. What’s more they do not even have my name spelt correct on this account on my credit file. Nevertheless, I did continued to maintain my second account with them throughout the duration of my contract and beyond then later settled it in 2007 after two years.

    I again now have another contract out with Three which I have had no problems with also.



    So now knowing my history with Three, do you think I should first send a polite letter asking them to remove the satisfied default? Or should I just get straight to it and send a copy of that default removal template?


    I also know it has been few years but this default is still causing me problems even while satisfied. So, if I there’s a chance I can get it removed who am I not to try?



    Your advice is much appreciated.

  5. After all that it turned out to be a combination of Three and the phone's reception problem. Once I put my sim in another phone my reception was better and even more so when I turned off the UMTS (3G mode) and set it to GSM (2G mode).


    Nevertheless, I have another Three battle on my hands now - to get rid of a satisfied default from 2006. But that's another topic......

  6. Thanks for the quick reply.


    So i'm doomed then yeah?.....:|


    If I lived in a remote part of the country then I'd expect it but I live in Manchester, near the city centre at that. I have numerous friends on 3G who have the same problem. Although I dont think it is as bad as mine. So yeah, it could possibly be the handset.


    I think i'm going to call CS in the morning, it can't hurt. In the mean time I'm going to look for the contract terms and conditions :D.

  7. Hello all.


    I wondered if you could help me out with abit of a situation I am in.


    I have an 18 month contract out with 3G, of which I am approx 3 months into. Since signing up I have been having problems with poor signal, particularly at my home address and my girlfriends. On some occassions I have had to call friends back upto 6 times due to constantly being disconnected. I thought these issues would iron out after awhile but this has not been the case.

    I have been tempted to raise the matter with 3G customer services, but having been with 3G before for 2 years (where I didnt nearly have as must problems with reception) I know they are useless. Initially I wanted to just downgrade my tariff as I am not using my units as I just can't hold a successful conversation when at home/girlfriends. But CS claim I have to have been with them for 6 months before I can do this. So now I just want out if I can.


    So basically I want to know is this a good enough reason to request to have my contract cancelled? And if yes, how should I go about it?


    - Bring this to the attention of customer services by phone


    - Write to their office in Glasgow?



    Any advice would be appreaciated.



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