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Posts posted by monica74

  1. I have scanned my egg credit card agreement and wondered if you had an opinions about it. Like a lot of people although I cannot afford to keep up the minimum repayments much longer and the prospect of defaults will cause so many problems.


    What I wanted to understand, if the agreement contains or is missing things that makes it unenforceable, can I put the account in dispute? If so I am presuming that I will need to detail to the company what is wrong with the agreement. When the account is in dispute is this meant to stop them placing defaults on your credit reference file? But for what I am reading on here the companies are doing this anyway?

    Egg Card.jpg

    Egg Card 2.jpg

  2. I have sent one request like this to egg and got a letter back saying they needed me to re-submit my request with a valid signature (like I am going to do that) or identification. I presume they are just trying to be awkward and hope I will go away.


    I do have a number of the agreements as I am quite good at keeping records but I suppose it is worth sendng to all to see if they have kept them.


    I know my egg card agreement has the 'approved limit' term which I have seen on this site is one of the main flaws in that contract. I will try and scan my agreements and be grateful if you can tell me what you think.

  3. I ve got the same problem, a clear credit file but can't keep up the payments as most of them have put the interest rate up to ridiculous amounts. It angers me so much that the companies get away with doing what they like and charging disgusting amounts of interest knowing now people can't move the debts.


    My sister has paid Cartel to try and get her egg loan wiped but after months of nothing chased them up, they told her that they are waiting on cases at the High Court but did say it was looking good. I just do not know if I have time to wait as have hardly any money left to keep paying, it so difficult and scary.

  4. Would really be grateful for any advice as feel very overwhelmed. Have a number of credit cards and loans all taken out pre 2007 inc egg loan and card. I was contacted by a company that takes on unenforceable agreements but never had the money to do so.


    Now struggling to meet min repayments and none of the companies are offering any help. Went to CAB but they seem to dismiss the idea of unenforceable contracts but did say that paying a £1 to each will stop charging orders against my home but won't stop them putting default on my credit file meaning I cannot renew my mortgage and could also cause me to lose my business as my bank has caused problems ever since the recession hit.


    I just do not know which way to turn, please can anyone offer any advice?:mad:

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