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Posts posted by janb

  1. hi guys

    a bit of advice needed here......god in thinking cos im worried:| in debt up to my eyeballs with bailiffs at the door by the day....has anyone had any experience of mini bankruptcy???? As in where u can write one debt of for £90 .....sorry if this sounds like a mixed up post but I have just lost my mum too and have to say goodbye to her on Friday ..................head aint with it

  2. can anybody offer any help plz on this one?


    My dell lappy was working fine till a couple of days ago when i switched it on i got the following msg.


    ...'the windows vista home premium product key you typed is invalid for activation'


    and the following options


    1. access your computer with reduced functionality (tried it nothing happens)

    2. type in a diff product key (wont let me key anything in!)

    3. contact dell to resolve (does not work either)


    Tried the vista disc and it wont have it and i cant access the start menu to try a system restore cos i have no task bar menu thing at the bottom now lol..........mega technical me :oops:




  3. Thanks Aretnap



    The initial trial lasted from 9.30 till lunch with only 2 witnesses one being my hubby and the other the police and they fined me the full £620 with the 150 hrs...and then it went to appeal with the same witnesses and no reduction in fine or hrs and then £420 in costs.....really dont know who you know so much but im guessing you must be in the law business....guess at the end of the day im flogging a dead horse..............




  4. Thanks Aretnap



    The initial trial lasted from 9.30 till lunch with only 2 witnesses one being my hubby and the other the police and they fined me the full £620 with the 150 hrs...and then it went to appeal with the same witnesses and no reduction in fine or hrs and then £420 in costs.....really dont know who you know so much but im guessing you must be in the law business....guess at the end of the day im flogging a dead horse..............




  5. good morning all


    Update well it went to court and i was found guilty 1 yrs ban 150 cs hrs and £600 fine.....took it to crown to appeal but lost and strung with another £400 in costs......i appreciate what i did was wrong but just need to ask a question....at the time i was on JSA and allowed to pay the fine at £5 a week ....now my benefit has ceased and i have no income whatsoever so in theory the are fining my husband.... does anybody think i have the right to ask the question of how i am supposed to get to unpaid work with no licence and no income and also is it fair to expect me to pay my fine from my husbands income????


    Many thanks you lovely people



  6. thank you Claire for your kind words, my solicitor has put the appeal in already...just dreading the whole crown court thing now but hey! Just feel so ashamed and big dint in my pride .....really cant get my head round the fact i was so stupid but then i suppose most people have been there and made mistakes at some point in their life x Things just pile up and everybody has a breaking point but it does not make them a bad person x

  7. thanks Claire x

    Thats my opinion too! It was the biggest row in 19 yrs of marriage but he has stood by me in all this, still my hubby and i love him 2 bits. This justice system is wrong! Never had to sit with so many low lifes whilst waiting to go in court, swearing and boosting about robbing people whilst they are asleep in bed but they just seem to get a slap on the wrist? My 1st offence and they have thrown the book at me:sad: Got to take the chance and go to Crown dont think it can get any worse...fingers crossed....oh and the toes!

  8. Hi im appealing against the sentence... no stash of booze in the car i packed my bags and took a bottle of vodka from home and downed it in a short period of time! My hubby would have been passing at 5am in the morning so i knew he would have stopped upon seeing the car. TBH in one sense the police turning up was maybe a good thing as i could have been raped or mugged or even worse! The reading was over 120! I know of someone who was 3.5 times over and actually driving...they got a 12 mth ban and 50hrs and no fine. This is all just so alien to me! A silly row has landed me in big trouble...........

    Many thanks for your reply

  9. Please before you even start to read please dont judge me! Im not a criminal and would neva intend to harm anybodies life but i would just like to know if anybody has been as daft as me?

    Big gulp ....here goes....

    I have just been sentanced for being drunk in charge and got a 12 month ban fined £620 and 150 hrs! Its now going to crown court as my solicitor has appealed..

    It all happened afta a domestic at home...a big one, so silly me left the house sober and just needed to get away...i parked up in a layby and then got totally wasted just wishing all the problems would go away! I had no intention of driving and had even taken my footwear off and the keys out of the ignition...the car was going to be my bed for the night! Dont know what i was doing but i was half in the car and half out of it when the police arrested me...can only think that i must have needed the loo!

    In my eyes what i do to myself is my business....i lost a good career due to redundancy and the rest just snowballed! Never been in court before or had any convictions for motoring offences....i so scared about going to crown court! Could my sentance be increased if i lose my appeal?

    Your all probably going to think im stupid but i need to get it off my chest!

    Everybody makes mistakes:-(


  10. Hi all


    Back to this fantastic site for some much needed help if poss pretty plz :razz:


    To cut a long story short i sent a 'prove it letter' to experto regarding an old MBNA account and have received the following response but am now unsure how to respond to this and would greatly appreciate any help on further action i should take...the letter reads as follows:


    We are happy to deal with this matter in writing, however we will retain your telephone number on our records as a legitimate form of contact should our letters remain unaswered. We note you request that you do not wish to have any home visit and have updated our records accordingly.

    If you require one, we will gladly supply you with a copy of your agreement upon payment of the statutory fee of £1.00, payable under section 78 of the Consumer Credit Act 1974, as amended in 2006.

    With regard to your request for the sight of 'Deed of Assignment' between MBNA and Varde Investments (Ireland) Ltd, please note there is no requirement or obligation to provide you with a copy of the Agreement that provides for the assignment of your debts.

    The Agreement is a Commercial Document entered into by the above parties and relates not only to your account but also to those of multitudinous alternative.

    We look forward to hearing from you.

    Really dont know how to respond to this ...have they got me by the short and curlies???

    Thanks in advance


  11. Hi all

    Good morning

    Dont know wether this is the right place to post or even the right site but i like this site as you guys have always given great advice in the past and i am hoping that someone out there with some medical knowledge can hopefully put me a little bit at ease as i am so worried :sad:

    I brief outline of the story... i have been suffering from blackouts resulting in head injuries and recently suffered my 2nd one which involved a 10 day stay in hospital not much of which i remember!

    I have now received an appointment for a head mri scan and am worried sick...please can someone shed any light on these discharge notes from the doctor??? Not sure if this is just a check up or something more serious?


    multiple intracranial contusions and occipital skull fracture to fall


    Admitted with fall and seizural eopisodes after wards witnessed tonic clonic episodes in casualty, was confused and ct brain showed multiple IC contusions left frontal lobe and possible rt frontal lobe adjacent to cribriform plate, occipital skull fracture noted suggested to do ct angio and later mri brain as OPA

    CT angio was NAD, no vascular lesions

    She was stated on phenytion 100mg

    She remained confused and ataxic and was started on dexamthasone 4mg bd for 3/7 after that she felt a lot better her urine dipstick was done which was negative

    Sorry its long but im so worried....thx janb x

  12. Hi all


    thanks for all ur help an support the baliff co is equita....north lincs council borrowed £300 to try an repay some of the debt but now i am being told by them that i am liable for the whole of my council tax which is £1200......which if i had managed to keep up with installments i would have had till april next year........really dont believe this country at all !!!! been out of work since 8th july paid tax an ni all my lifev and not had a penny yet :sad:



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