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Posts posted by bradreid

  1. Hello


    Reply to poppynurse


    I had Two job's, both of which I was unable to work.

    My 9-5 job was working through an agency at a production plant. I had only been there approx 4 weeks (sorry but cant quite remember)


    And my other was working at the local Co-op 6-10 but this was also 6 weeks into my job and under a probationary period.


    So from what Ive read and been told I cannot get Statuary Sick Pay for either job.


    Reply to Peterlucas


    As of yet I have persued no claims against my employer (either the agency, Factory or the shop. To be honest I dont really even know where to begin. But from the moment from the accident I have been unable to work not through choice but fortinatly I have employment now (through the same agency) I would still say im nowhere near 100% fit but you know the score I need to keep food in my belly and a roof over my head so needs must.


    I was recieving Sick notes from my doctor until the turn of the year but I needed to go back to work to survive.


    Also With the injury being a bang on the head, how would they be able to prove that it has caused the anguish it has caused me. The only thing is Im now getting migrains every 4-5 days which Im taking Sumitripan for. I have suffered in the past with migraines but not to the frequency Im getting them now. Also when I rest my head on a hard surface I still feel the pain and can tell my skull is not as round as it was.


    All I want really is for someone to take resopnsibility for what happened as all medical tests I had at the time said I was normal???? I KNOW DIFFERENT THOUGH!


    Do you think I should persue a No win no fee claim thing or just let this run its course with the dwp to whom i have no confidence in anymore.


    Thanks so far



  2. Hello,


    To cut a long story short I had an accident at work on the 24/10/07 and since then I have had no employment and suffered severe mental problems (meaning Memory loss, Depression, Dizzyness and a few other problems to boot). I have not been in reciept of any benefits also.


    I have reciecved a letter form the DWP (DL/IP 87) Saying.......



    I am writing to tell you that we have decided the accident you had on 24/10/07 was an industrial accident.


    We are dealing with your claim for industrial injuries Disablement Benefit at the moment. You will get a letter asking you to attend a medical examination. The examination will take place within 3 months.






    Can anyone inform me about what this? Sorry for my ignorance but Im not entirely sure what this actually means!


    Will it mean that I could be entitled to any benefits Ive applied for from that date, or the Dwp realise I was unable to work due to this and will be credited??


    Or even take the company to court for damages?


    Sorry for looking at the financial side but Ive not had any income since 11/07 and a nice payout would be great.


    Please help


    Many thanks

  3. I recently got a new job on tue, things I thought were going well until I was pulled aside and told during the three days that I had made two mistakes and that the general manager and supervisor pulled me aside and told me I wasn't needed anymore. But to add to that I Know that they are taking on a New Deal person whom the company doesnt have to pay for and they get abonus of £75 a week.


    I have a feeling that what they did was wrong. AM i right? Do I have any leg to stand on legaly? I believe this is unfair dismissal.


    Does anyone have any advivce before I pay for a solicitor to exame this case.


    Ps no documents were signed-this was due to happen after the probationary period.



  4. During Nov 07 i had an accident at work which resulted in me loosing both my jobs. I have been trying to claim income support but have been refused on the grounds that me and my ex are deemed as Man and Wife!!! I only live under her roof as she doesnt want to see me out on the street. How can I contest this?

  5. I have recently broken up with my partner of 4 yrs and I have no other immediate options available but to rent a room in the same property as ive been living in. A tennancy agreement has already been wrote up im now LIVING in a room fully furnished within the property. Will I be able to claim any housing benefits for this as technically im now a tenant not a person living there. THe Property belongs to her and all bills are also to her.


    Im not to sure but to an outsider it does look suspicious and we aretrying to play the system but unfortunatly things happen in life.......


    Or is there a fast track to social housing as my next rent is due on Wed.

    then Im on the street!!!!!! I also have a dog (I know doesnt mean much but everything to me etc)


    Ive currently lost all jobs and being put on income support and incapacity benefits as well as others as ive had a minor breakdown, but the ball has only started rolling with this.


    Any advice Please



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