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Posts posted by guildfordlad

  1. They can only contact you at work if a work number was given and permission to be contacted, They are one of the worst DCA's and obviously trying there luck.


    Report them for there actions as it could lead to questions from your employer and not fair at all.


    They hounded me for a water bill which wasn't even mine, It took many letters to the water company and 6 months to have them tell advantis to stop chasing me.


    Tell them contact in writing only and DONT speak to them.

  2. I had the same issue had the same phone for 8 weeks they said liquid damage I refused to pay and aksed for the phone back, I then had it checked independently and told it was a software issue and not water damaged at all.


    Vodafone refused to listen to me and I went to 02 for a contract instead, still dealing with legals of Vodafone as they refuse to cancel the agreement.


    Leave them and stick to your guns, someone has to show them that the repair people are ripping customers off.

  3. Hi,


    I also had a Samsung which after a software update had power problems, It was only 3 weeks old sent it into repair and they said it was Water Damaged and would cost £100, I told them no way and got them to send my phone back to me, I had it independantly checked and it wasnt water damaged at all!! it was indeed a software problem.


    Vodafone use a different company for repairs so make sure you give them what for, I REALLY think it may be an ongoing issue with the company trying to get £100 from people when the fault actually does come under warranty. :-x

  4. I've heard of these, been getting so much hassle from there 'solicitor', he was trying to pin a debt on me that I have no knowledge of, When I stated this he just shortly replied with ' thank you for confirming refusal to pay I will now process court papers'. I threatened to report him to which I then had a lengthy email stating he's only trying to work out facts.


    They are full of crap, I told him the debt was not mine and I'd happily go to the police with a fraud claim, strangely he's gone quiet now!


    They have a bad reputation have changed names a few times and been warned for their conduct, I would say to you that they will say anything they like to try and get money from you.


    Give no details, confirm nothing, They can't come to your home and demand money, It's just horrid threats to try and scare you.


    A shocking company who need to be reminded of how to conduct themselves.

  5. Hi,


    I had the same problem, Santander run Burton accounts, I called them up told them I didn't have account number he took me through security questions and then gave me the account number so I could call back.


    It may be worth while just calling and asking before paying £10.


    0871 522 5454 (Calls cost 10p per minute plus network extras. Calls may be recorded and monitored for training and security purposes).


    (Open Monday & Tuesday 8am - 8pm, Wednesday - Friday 8am - 9pm, Saturday 8am - 7pm, Sunday 9am - 6pm).

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