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Posts posted by Smudge052

  1. Now you come to mention it shadow, it probably isn't a good idea to put the sentence in saying that they reduced the charges. I'll defo edit that one out.

    The rest of the suggestions are probably necessary come to think of it. They seem to be unsure of the location of their arses and elbows so I'll get rid of the ambiguous bits as highlighted.



  2. Anyone got any advice on how this can be improved?

    Cheers, Smudge

    Dear Court Manager.

    I have recently received judgement from ***** County Court that my claim against Capital One Bank (Europe) Plc for the reclaim of Credit Card Charges has been stayed by Deputy District Judge ****** until further order, dated the 9th of July 2009. I telephoned the court today and was instructed to write a letter to explain why I feel that this stay has been incorrectly applied.

    I was informed during the course of the telephone conversation, that the stay had been applied due to the similarity between my claim and the current test case relating to the reclaim of bank charges.

    My reasons for asking for my case to be heard in isolation from any link to the current bank charges test case and for the stay to be lifted are as follows:

    • The Office of Fair Trading (OFT) investigated credit card fees in 2006 and found them to be unfair. As a result, Credit Card issuers agreed to reduce their charges.

    • Credit card terms and conditions were not featured in the OFT test case, specifically that the OFT test case is concerned only with bank current accounts, and not credit or store cards.

    • In my particular case, Capital One Bank (Europe) is not one of the 8 banks participating in the OFT test case and does not operate current accounts, so should not be limited by the generic stay applied to all current account cases.

    I would respectfully ask that this judgement be reconsidered, as I am aware of no outstanding generic stay on the reclaim of Credit Card charges. I also understand that there are many people who have successfully sought the reimbursement of Credit Card charges without their claim being processed in relation to the Bank charges test case; which I understand to be related to the penalties attached to current account overdraft charges.

    I have attached a copy of the OFT report on Credit Card Charges dated April 2006, with reference to my request.

    Yours Sincerely.

  3. Hi Scott.


    Thanks for the information its much needed. I called the court today to see what their reasoning behind the stay was, and was told that because it is "similar" to the b/c test case it was being considered by the judge along those lines. They've told me to send in a standard letter format to challenge it, so I'll try that 1st off, and then head down the N244 route when that invariably fails! I'll use the same information you gave me and see how it pans out.


    It seems either the judge/court needs educating (although I'm sure they've had these claims before) or its a tactic to stall people because of sheer weight of numbers.



  4. Well my Cap1 claim has been processed by the courts and they've stayed the s*dding thing! Anyone know how I go about getting the stay lifted? I assume the judge has skip read it and confused it with bank charges.


    Not HP.



  5. Sound advice m16.


    I've got most of the details for the n1 sorted out now but am still slightly confused. Is it section 5 of the UTCCR 1999? I've looked it up but don't want to get that wrong. Also do you know if its the initial (in my case £85) fee that you put as the court costs or the defence fee as well? I'm also flummuxed about the value box on the N1. I assume its the total value of claim, but thats got a seperate box of its own??


    If it helps I got the same letter as you, about late payments being charged at 29%. They've also tried to charge me an extra £26 for sundries. Desperation I feel!

  6. Hi m16.


    Ta for asking. I've been pretty ill recently so couldn't deal with it, but there's been a bit of progress, or more to the point lack of. I got a reply to the LBA stating they wouldn't raise their offer of less than £300. I'm starting to weave my hapless way through the N1 form today to get the case going fwd. Any much needed advice??

    Any luck with your 26% and marker removal btw?


    Cheers, smudge

  7. Hi M16.


    Cheers for letting me know, and for the letter template, i'm sure it'll come in handy. I'm not at the court stage yet, because they haven't replied to the LBA, but should be within 1-2 weeks. It looks like you've got them running now so good luck with the rest of the contractual int. I'd heard they were trying to avoid paying that by using purchase rate, but even if thats the case then i assume its still compound and still shed loads more than £37.


    What've they said about marker removal? I know that was high on your list.

  8. Just sent the 1st (and only) LBA off to cap1. Told them to pay up the charges plus 8% interest within 2 weeks or i'll take them to court and add 19.5% comp int. Like you said m16, it doubles the total and more so i'm not bothered which way things go. Threats/settlement offers probably won't get me an inch but may as well try once as the amount is just shy of 4 grand with comp interest added.

    If capital one are paying for your holiday the least they deserve is a postcard then!

  9. Cheers m16.


    It must be good to know that the ball's rolling properly now. To be honest i'll have to grit my teeth to decline half, but there's no point in stopping now. By the time I get a reply to an LBA you may have got your claim sorted, so i'd love to know what happened.

    I dunno if you watch the simpsons but I'm the lionel hutz of uk law processes! Any advice you could give me would be appreciated when the time comes.



  10. Just got an offer of less than 300 quid (out of £1000+) with £20 to cover 6 yrs interest!:lol:


    Seems like the template letter most people receive stating charges are fair, OFT hasn't challenged the right to default charge accounts etc etc.


    Will send the rejection letter/LBA and see what happens.

  11. Yeah its just the cash i'm after. I reckon my credit rating is so shocking from past abuse (not helped in the slightest by cyclical extortionate charges) a few yrs ago that trying to remove markers would only prove to be a drop in the ocean! :rolleyes:

    Its good to know that they shouldn't foreclose the account before this is resolved if your case is an indication.


    Cheers and good luck with getting the markers deleted, I assume its for a mortgage or loan

  12. Thanks m16, good luck with it. Know how much it is by any chance? One more question, is your account still active? Mine is, so i'm waiting for them to call in the balance (circa £200) any time soon and was wondering if that's standard practise when you put in a claim.

  13. Thanks for the advice m16mae.


    It figures that they'll be late, as the statements came about a wk after they were supposed to arrive. :mad:

    I wasn't expecting them to fall over and pay up the reddies straight away, but its always a help to know what kind of offers they'll make so thanks for that. As for the interest, I was going to apply the cap1 rate but couldn't find a template I could access. (only found the 8% one)

    I'll take a look at d1cky's thread and the OFT website.


    Cheers and best of British with your claim.

  14. Crikey that was swift :)!


    Thanks for that Jogs. I take it it's something I can get from here when the need arises?


    I've got somewhere in the region of 1650 quid to reclaim and I've just been made redundant so didn't really want to ar5e up the first claim and lose time. I know what the sheisters are like from other people's threads!


    I don't suppose you know how I go about taking refunds off? They gave me a 112.50 "good will gesture", and cos I'm claiming compound interest as well I take it I just work out what 112.50 + 8% interest is from the day it was given and take it off the final total?


    Thanks again



  15. Hi all.


    I was wondering if there's a wise owl around who could help me out cos I'm a CAGGER novice.


    I'm about to reclaim charges back from the devils dangleberries that are Crap1. :) I've already got the statements back from them and am about to send the initial reclaim letter.


    The question I've got is whether I can claim back further than the 6 yrs I've heard I can claim for? They've sent statements going back to the time I took out the card in 2001 but I only started the claim in March 09.


    This site is awesome btw!!


    Cheers guys



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