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Posts posted by wangster

  1. A question for anyone who may know. If I send a SAR to a tracing company, would they have to provide details of all databases they have acquired my details, and in turn who hs requested information about me?

    Any expert help appreciated

    As I think that data prot act would mean they have to?

  2. i know the rule is never speak on the phone, but could you not ring em, complete the security questions (which they calss as ID'ing you) and confirm you have made the request.that way you have no issue with sending a signature? just a thought....

  3. welcome are really trying to come down tough on their arrears at the moment, especially with the home visits. These visits add £25 on the balance....which may explain something!


    The reason for it is that most of their board is now suspended because of falsified (sorry mis-stated!) levels of bad debt (arrears). It would appear that this has happened for the last 2 years, and will certainly damage their business (bust even?).


    So, with this information, are you in arrears or are they mis stating yours???

  4. also get a SAR from payplan.in their notes it may say they agreed to do the write off for you at some point.sounds to me like they are now removing themselves from their statement about this.remember they are paid from your creditors for a % of the money you pay, so they prob dont want to do anything which rocks the boat.


    obviously do the CCA requests anyway, but these guys also say they will do stuff and dont.

  5. i think one debt...or whoever ypur details are passed to in the uk should be brought to task on this. it is against the marketing policy/oft guidelines for debt advice companies to cold call consumers for debt adjustment products. is in the last set of guidelines i think, in my opinion they are contracting the offshore company to do their telemarketing? could be a way of getting somewhere with it??

  6. i used cccs, but found the service not the best to be honest.a friend said theirs, Ideal debt were good, so went with them. I pay for the service, but things get done, which were not before.


    I guess you can do it yourself and youre motivated to sort it as quickly as possible, which is also the cheapest but to be honest I didnt have the time to sort it all out.

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