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Posts posted by stevie1958

  1. Hi everyone,


    2 weeks ago i visited Scarborough in North Yorkshire,


    I parked in the Pavilion Square car park,


    I purchased my ticket exactly 1 minute after arriving,


    I left about 45 mins before my ticket expired;


    the thing is I did not realise I had to input my reg number in the ticket machine.


    I received a parking ticket to day for £80.00,

    I still have the original ticket so i sent them an email with the ticket number on,


    my question is:

    can they do anything,

    and if they keep giving me hassle


    can i do anything;


    many thanks

    in advance.

  2. Hi all, Well i was sort of hoping someone may be able to give me some advice;

    In march 2007 i got a car from a small dealer it was financed by welcome car finance, I was told i must take ppi however i can cancel it within a month.


    I took the car , i contacted welcome loads of times and they ignored my requests to cancel the ppi, I then stopped all payments, welcome then meade a new agreement minus the ppi, however they would not pay me back the ppi i had paid, so i still refused to pay.


    In March 2010 welcome suddenly sent me a letter stating they have now, assigned my debt to; MKDP-LLP, welcome also stated that this means MKDP are now the effective owners of the debt.


    MKDP did contact me in time, i sent them a letter asking for a full true copy of the credit agreement, they sent me one A4 page wich had a lot of the info missing, it most certainly had no mention of the original agreement.


    I then sent them a letter stating this account was now in dispute, i have not heard from them for over a year now, in the meantime welcome finance have marked my default as satisfied.


    Only one problm i now have, the car is on the HPI register, so i can not part with the car, welcome say they are nothing to do with it now so wont take it back, MKDP say they will not take the car either as it woould not be worth it, this means i am stuck with the car for ever.

    If anyone could offer any advice this would be great.

  3. Ok, in may 2007 i got a car through a garage the finance was provided by welcome car finance,

    I was told i must take out PPI at the time of sale though i can cancel it within one month.


    I Contacted welcome and they did nothing about it, Untill about 8 months later i refused to make any further payments.


    Welcome then made a new agreement minus the PPi, they refused to return the PPI i had paid, The new agreement was for the original amount, So they would not take in to account the money i had already paid on the original agreement, also the second agreement welcome alterd the date on it after i signed it.


    I refused to pay any further payments and told them to reposess the car, welcome said they had no further interest in the car.

    They then passed the debt to a company called MKRR, the debt collection company have added over £5000.00 in interest on the account, they also said they have no interest in the car either only the debt.


    The problem is the car is registerd on the HPI list as been on finance to Welcome so i am now stuck with the car, i can not sell it as its on HPi, in the meantime i have now informed MKRR this debt is now in dispute.


    Any help would be gratefully apreciated, i dont have a scanner so i can not upload the documents but i will give any information within reason to any one who can help me.

  4. HI i got a car from welcome finence in may 2007, for one reason and another i got in to dificulty with my finances, i never heard anything from welcome for about 2 years.


    when i contacted them and asked them just to take the car back they then said we have no interest in your car, they have passed the finance on to a debt collection agency i thinlk its called MMR,


    Now the problem is i am stuck with the car, as its not mine i can not sell it and welcome want nothing to do with it,


    i would like some advice on what to do, i can not keep the car for ever it would end up rotting on my drive, but then again i can not sell the car either.


    the car is in perfect condition it has tax and test its fully serviced and i use it every day for work.


    am i able to part with the car, if not can i charge welcome for storage, i have threatend to do this with welcome and they just said we have no interest in the car.

  5. Well this is the information i have up to now:

    it was last paid in 2004 but i do'nt know what date,


    I also got car finance from welcome in 2007, they told me the loan had been written off.


    I have not recieved any info stating that this debt has been passed to any one else, nor have i recieved a default on it.


    I recently got a copy of my credit report and it is not on their, however 3 months ago it was, HFO had defaulted me on it at just over £3000.00, that has now disapeard from my credit file.

  6. HI Pinky, i lost my job due to health reasons last year, i have just got a new job so i am trying to sort out my finances, however i just could not afford to pay HFO this amount of money, i really do apreciate your help.

  7. HI,in 2003 i took out a loan with welcome well it was actually a reloan,

    I must have stopped paying it for some reason, the amount was about £3500 in total with payment protection etc.


    Well a cple of weeks ago i got a letter from HFO along with a photo from google earth of a house, they must think its mine but its not, here is the letter:




    So i phoned them then i hung up, the following week i had quite a lot of phone calls from them so i sent 2 letter, one for a copy of the true credit agreement, and the other to ask them not to phone me, then i got a further letter with a copy of the credit agreement.




    and also this letter:




    To day they phoned me twice on a mobile number within 3 minutes, informed them if they phone again i will report them to trading standards i then hung up.


    07760626394 was the mobile that was used, can any one tell me where i stand as they are asking more than double what the debt was for. many thanks.

  8. Hi all i would like to know if my dismissal is legal,

    Well i have an ongoing medical problem that is been agrivated by work, i don't want give full details incase any of my managers are on here.

    Well i have had 4 operations in a 4 year period, about 18 months ago my employer sent me to Bupa as they use them for ocupational therapy and welbeen at work, Bupa stated i should be removed from my position and placed in alternative employment, my employers ignored this advice and i went on to have 2 further operations,

    Eventually Bupa stated it would be against health and safety regs to keep me in my position at work, my employers put me in a different position on the same rate of pay no problem, however in september i was called to head office to a meeting with head of H/R and my senior manager, it was decided they have no option but to retire me on ill health ( i am 51), earlier this week my senior manager aproached me and said their will be a further meeting next week their will be no pay-off and i will be issued with one months notice to terminate my employment, they will be paying me £385.00 for each completed years service, i have been with them just over 5 years, also i don't have it in writing about this meeting although i have informed the union.

    My question is:

    1) can they dismiss me like this after doing my new job for the last 6 months.

    2) would i be coverd under the DDA.

    3) Is this constructive dismissal.

    Please take in to account i am employed by one of europ's largest bus and rail employers.

    i would like to thank you so much for your help.

  9. Hi, i would like some advice on this one if any one can help,

    i recently reciev'd a ccj it was for water rates.


    Well i think i hear you saying what is so speacial about that.


    well the thing is i did'nt have an account with the water company my wife did.


    My wife also reciev'd a ccj for the same debt,


    All previeus water bills were in my wifes name,as i have not always lived with my wife,although i have been for the last few years.


    So my question is; can 2 ccjs be issued for the same debt.

    many thanks.

    ps. i think it was a company called lowell who made the claim.

  10. Hi, sorry about the delay trying to get me scanner working,

    well i had an account with nat west, i was not overdrawn however their were bank charges on the account that made it overdrawn.

    i refused to pay the bank charges to nat west.


    the next thing this bryan carter is involved,

    i told them i would not be paying it back as i belived it to be unfair bank charges,

    now i have a court sumons: it states :

    ( the defendant agreed to pay monthly instalments under account number xxxxxxx, but has faild to do so.


    and the claiment claims the sum of 654.83.


    the claiment also claims interest theron pursuant to s.69 county court act 1984 limited to one year to the date hereof at the rate of 8% per annum amounting to 0.00.


    i have just been on the .gov website i put my court case number in and notified them i will be defending this case.


  11. Hi,all i have an account with 3 for my mobile,

    its always been paid on time, last month i had a problem with my wages and i phoned 3 to inform them i could not pay my bill till 4 weeks later,

    they disconected my phone,

    i then got a letter from a debt collection agency for the bill-(advanced telecoms debt collection services limited),


    I phoned 3 and reminded them when it would be paid, they replied by saying the bill has now been passed to this debt collector,


    surely as a valued customer it would be better for them to wait a cple of weeks for my payment,

    i feel like teling them where to sove their phone.

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